Baby Chicks are dying at a rate of 3 to 5 a day! HELP


8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Barry Texas
Hey Guys,
I purchased 100 chicks from Ridgway Hatchery last weds. They were delivered on Thursday. I have lost 40 Chicks since last Thursday. 8 Died in shipping. I have been raising chicks now for 3 years. I have 220 laying hens, and I currently have 60 sex linked chicks at 4 months old to help replace the main flock. But anyway, these chicks that are dying are broilers. The brooder was set to a constant temp of 95 and they are dry . I even have the heat lamp on just in case, and they have plenty of fresh water and feed down. they are on shavings. which is dry and clean.

The problem is every morning there are at least 4 or 5 dead chicks . From what I can see during the day is they appear to get like SPRADEL LEGS and they are going to die by the next morning. I have checked each chick for Pasty but, and nothing there. These chicks are running around as if NOTHING is wrong, then all of a sudden they just stop and it looks like spradel legs, and the next morning they are dead. I have put ViTal in the water, along with Oxytechtraclyine as recommoned by the hatchery. Mrs. Ridgway states they are NOT aware of any issues with their chicks. OK HELP WHAT SHOULD I DO? At this rate I should be out of chicks by Saturday if the mortality continues!

ANY HELP is APPRECIATED - call me if you need to

903-851-3493 ( my cell )

Thanks Rick
I'm sorry about your chicks.

Broilers, unfortunately, are not bred for their health. They have a poor immune system and easily suffer from heat-attacks, over-heating, leg problems, and nutritional problems.
Those symptoms sound sort of like marek's, but most chickens with marek's don't die so fast. If it isn't a parasite, isn't nutritional, and it isn't a respiratory infection (they sound like they are kept in a good, clean environment
) than it is most likely viral.

This link mentions diseases that cause paralysis like symptoms in the legs:

I hope this helps. Best of luck!
I am not saying that this is the case, but some leg problems are the result of weak muscles and slippery footing. Like the previous poster mentioned broiler/fryers are not noted for their robust constitutions, quite the opposite is the case. What brand or kind of broiler/fryer cross are your birds? Some of these birds are well known for reaching slaughter weight in only 4 weeks. That is why they are called names like Cornish X. The X denotes a cross bred bird like the red, black etc. sex linked layers. Because of this fast growth it is almost impossible to breed a pure strain of broiler/fryer because the fast growth creates a bird who when it becomes an adult is unable to do the birds and the bees thing.

A chick is susceptible to chilling if it is unable to move and can not cluster with its brooder mates.
Chick are also susceptible to suffocation if they cluster and pile up on each other if their quarters are too cold. Sort of d***** if you do and d***** if you don't.
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