Baby Diamondback Terrapin! Pics!

What you can do is turn him in to a care facility, even if you apply for a permit he will be confiscated because he is too small, and you will not be getting him back when he is an adult. Also, there are not permits in NJ for having turtles as pets, there are only permits for having them for scientific research purposes. I know a lot about N. Diamondback Terrapins because I go to an environmental school and we do a lot to help educate the public about these guys and conserve them. In fact, one of the main things we tell people is that these are not pets. My school does have a scientific permit for these guys, however the only terrapins and other turtles we keep are ones that cannot be returned to the wild. The right thing to do is turn him into a care facility.

I go to mates I think that's the school you are talking about. And the care facility we were going to take it to got flooded and moved all its animals somewhere else. I might bring him in to school and see if they want to keep him but we wanted to keep him if we could get a permit. My friend that found him still wants to be able to see him so that's why we want to keep him.
Ahh, so we do go to the same school! Well of you can figure out a way to get the permit, and you probably know what you're doing, go ahead and keep him/her. You would have to look into permits though, I though it was only scientific. I remember hearing that from a worker at the Wetlands Institute when I visited there for 4-H. I'm sure the school would take it if you can't.
Ok we'll I'm going to try to get the permit. if I can't ill bring him to school if they want him once it starts again.
I still haven't seen him eat anything and I'm not sure but he might be starting to look a little skinny. Does anyone lnow how I can get him to eat
I tried to give him fish(a sheepshead minnow that we froze and then cut into little pieces), frozen shrimp that you buy at like shop rite, juvenile turtle pellets from petco, and a few little bugs from outside. I haven't seen him eat any of it and he won't open his mouth. I've tried to open it for him but that doesn't work and if I put it by his mouth he'll move his head away.
Hmm... Well, they are wild animals and can go for a few days to even a week without food, so he has some time. Maybe he hasn't settled in yet? They will probably know what to do with him at school.
Ok we'll it's been like 9 days. I think i remember them saying at school something about the yolk being able to feed them for a while after they hatch and he still had the yolk thing on his stomach when we found him but now that's starting to go away. In the picture that I posted before I think you can see it so maybe since that is going away he'll start to get hungry and want to eat now.

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