Baby duckling needs identity!!!


Jun 4, 2015
Merritt Island, FL
Hey everyone!

New to this site, however I have now owned two baby ducklings for almost 4 weeks. Ive done tons of research however I'm not too sure if my Daisy (if she is indeed a girl) is a rouen or mallard hybrid or some sort of mix? I know my black duckling ( Bo, if a boy ) is a cayuga. He just started getting feathers and they are bright green!

***Oh and no worries Bo is ok, He had a trip to the emergency room for a dog bite, and they shaved his face. He's fully recovered now!

Any advice would be appreciated!



Most recent...

When I first had them.
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Here are some more pictures of them!

She doesn't have eye stripes like a mallard or rouen. I read that Mallards have one eye stripe and Rouen's have two, one on the eye and one below the eye.
Wow! Just looked them up, I don't know why I didn't think of that before! Now I'm excited to see what she/he turns out to look like. She/he is just starting to get side feathers! Thanks!
Here are some more pictures of them!

She doesn't have eye stripes like a mallard or rouen. I read that Mallards have one eye stripe and Rouen's have two, one on the eye and one below the eye.

Look at those previous little faces!! Thanks for sharing.

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