Baby duckling newbie help!


In the Brooder
May 12, 2016
Help everyone!
I am new here and this is my first post and I could use some help!

I work for a dog/cat supply shop and had a guy come in at the end of the night who had found a baby duckling . The duckling was found with a straycat who was pawing at it. He didn't see mom or other babies or a water source anywhere, so I can only guess the cat snagged him and carried him away.

He appears to be very young still.

I had baby ducks when I was very
Young, but don't remember much of their care.

Of course by the time I left work all the feed stores In town had already closed and none of the other pet stores had any sort of baby food.

I could really use any and all advice! For now I have a large plastic tub with a clean towel, a heat lamps, and ive been offering water, But can't get him to drink any. He just wants to sleep

Overall he seems healthy. I dont see any wounds and when he's awake he is alert and active.

Thank you all In advance!

Ps...can anyone tell me whAt kind of duck he is?
Mashed up hardboiled egg, especially the yolk. Ground up oatmeal. Snip up some dandelion greens very fine and float them in the water. Put a little dish of sand or gritty soil so it can digest the greens.
Help everyone!
I am new here and this is my first post and I could use some help!

I work for a dog/cat supply shop and had a guy come in at the end of the night who had found a baby duckling . The duckling was found with a straycat who was pawing at it. He didn't see mom or other babies or a water source anywhere, so I can only guess the cat snagged him and carried him away.

He appears to be very young still.

I had baby ducks when I was very
Young, but don't remember much of their care.

Of course by the time I left work all the feed stores In town had already closed and none of the other pet stores had any sort of baby food.

I could really use any and all advice! For now I have a large plastic tub with a clean towel, a heat lamps, and ive been offering water, But can't get him to drink any. He just wants to sleep

Overall he seems healthy. I dont see any wounds and when he's awake he is alert and active.

Thank you all In advance!

Ps...can anyone tell me whAt kind of duck he is?

If you post a picture, we should be able to give you an idea of the breed. Ducklings really do better with a buddy. A stuffed animal & one of those mirrors you can put in bird cages would be helpful. Feed the baby non-medicated chick starter once you can get to a store. You might also add vitamins & electrolytes (Sav-A-Chick) to the water.
Thank you all! I'm on my way to the feed store now! Got him to drink water last night...but he did not want me to leave him alone in the brooder :( he kept crying and as soon as I'd pick him up he would sleep.
Okay and sorry I thought I added a picture! I'm using my phone so idk if it works. Did it work this time?


Ok I had to switch to desktop mode. Hope it worked now!
Okay and sorry I thought I added a picture! I'm using my phone so idk if it works. Did it work this time?

This thread explains how to post pictures.

Also, I think even if posting from your phone, you have to be in desktop mode to post the pic. (Scroll down to bottom of any page to find options.)

Ducklings also need added Niacin (B3). Most people add it via brewer's or nutritional yeast...1 tablespoon per cup of feed.

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