Baby ducks


In the Brooder
Feb 19, 2020
Morgantown ky
I bought some baby Pekins I’ve had them for about a month and there getten big fast and my pin is getten to small my ? Is can I put them out side now in a bigger pin with out a heat lamp for an example on how big they are there the size of a banny chicken
thanks for any input
What is your climate like? Ducks are cold-hardier than chickens of the same age, in my experience. Personally, if you don't have snow and freezing temperatures, I would put them outside and check on them frequently for the first day to monitor for any signs of the temperature being too cold for them, such as constant peeping, shivering, and huddling together.
What is your climate like? Ducks are cold-hardier than chickens of the same age, in my experience. Personally, if you don't have snow and freezing temperatures, I would put them outside and check on them frequently for the first day to monitor for any signs of the temperature being too cold for them, such as constant peeping, shivering, and huddling together.
I live in Kentucky we still have had some cold days but it’s 70 degrees here today

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