Baby Pics - dyed Easter chicks

Wow, those are /really/ dyed. I always thought they were more... pastel...

But evidently not. That's blinding.

Hope it turns out well for your chicks!

those are realy died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poooooooooooooooor chickies:(
How are they doing, AccidentalFarm ?
And by the way, you can stay on that soapbox as long as you like!
Kudos to you for taking these little guys in.
The little colorbombs are doing fine- two are a bit larger than the others, one of the larger ones has not a single tail feather, while the others all have quite a bit so far. I think the largest one is the RIR roo, but I could be wrong on that- the wing feathers have no white at all but the RIR chick photos i've seen all basically, all I really know is that there's 4 little chickies in the brooder. Boys/girls/breed...who knows!! Thanks for asking about them.
Here's an update pic- you can see their tail and shoulder feathers are coming in except for the red one- only wing feathers for him/her so far, even though he is the larges of the bunch:

IDEAL'S 236 is there own breed. its a white leghorn, californian leghorn cross. they will probably be about 4-5 lbs and may develop some black spots.
I'm fighting myself as I type whether I should even open my mouth for fear I'll never get it shut again. To say that I am appauled is an understatement. As a child I cried for days when I came home from school and found that one of my male Guppies had jumped out of my little fish bowl and had died. This comes from the child that brought home more stray animals, or told the teachers that I could bring home the class pet. Poor mom, we didn't know that she would be so allergic to cats.

I don't like to see any animal hurt for a bottem line or evil sense of humor. My animals are my pets. Should a chicken or rabbit need to taken care of, I told my husband that he will have to do it because I won't do it or help him do it. That's just me. I can't cull something I've raised and looked into the eyes of. I'm a big sucker for animals. Someone needs jackslapped for doing anything like this to any animal. :mad: You know my kids are teenagers now, but even when they were younger, they had a respect for animals that was much wiser than their young years. It boils down to the adults. Generation to generation, it's the adults that teach what is right and what is wrong. Cause and effect are taught. It's the whole nature vs. nurture effect, but in this case it's the nurture.

There is no conscious in most people today. It's a me me me money world. Sorry, I think the soap boxes are contagious. I'm glad to see that some of these poor chicks are being bought by people who are trying to cancel out a negative. Best of luck.
we had the colored chicks at my feed store. the store guy asked me, "aren't you going to buy a chick?" i laughed at him and said, "why are you trying to sell me those things? you know darn well, they're leghorn roosters, all of them!" and he replied, "oh, you know". and we both laughed.

alot of those get bought by locals since they're cheaper and they know they're gonna be roosters, and then when they get big, they have them for dinner.

i got this from another site. i think it's the funniest story ever. i've been sharing it with my friends at work who don't know anything about chickens. they do know now, that those cute easter chicks will usually be 90% roosters.

I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate to say this, but demand drives supply. If people keep buying the chicks, other people will keep dying the chicks. You are saving the ones you buy this year, but condemning future generations of chicks to the same fate because people see that they made a profit the year before from doing it.
Please don't think I'm condemning anyone; I probably would have had a hard time leaving the store without breaking down. Luckily for me and my soft-hearted nature, I haven't seen a colored chick around my parts since I was a tiny kid.
The best way to fight this is in your state legislature! Many states have made it illegal to artificially dye animals for non-agricultural uses (accepted and rational uses are still OK - like dye bags on rams). This is also the reason it is sometimes illegal to buy just a couple of chicks. Even though this can be a pain to those of us with smaller flocks, it does protect chickens from impulse buys by people who have no idea what they are getting into.

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