Baby rabbits!


In the Brooder
May 3, 2016
Ok quick question.
I know at around 6-8 weeks you should separate the babies from the momma and put boys in one grow out cage and girls in another buuuuut how long can they stay together before I should separate them into individual cages? Like how long can the boys stay together and how long can the girls stay together before they try to fight or anything.
The best answer to that is "until it becomes a problem." I know, real helpful, huh? But that's really the size of it - some rabbits continue to get along well into adulthood (I actually knew someone that had two mature, intact bucks living together; she even used one for breeding, and they got along fine). Others just cannot live peaceably together at any age. An example of that would have been a Jersey Wooly buck that I had once; his mother had a litter of 5, all bucks. I pulled her out at the appropriate time, and thought I could leave the boys together in the cage they had been born in for a while longer. By the time they were 10 weeks old, the most dominant one in the litter had partially castrated all of his brothers. Most rabbits aren't anywhere near that bad; they usually wait until they are between 3 and 4 months (or later) before they start mixing it up.
The best answer to that is "until it becomes a problem." I know, real helpful, huh? But that's really the size of it - some rabbits continue to get along well into adulthood (I actually knew someone that had two mature, intact bucks living together; she even used one for breeding, and they got along fine). Others just cannot live peaceably together at any age. An example of that would have been a Jersey Wooly buck that I had once; his mother had a litter of 5, all bucks. I pulled her out at the appropriate time, and thought I could leave the boys together in the cage they had been born in for a while longer. By the time they were 10 weeks old, the most dominant one in the litter had partially castrated all of his brothers. Most rabbits aren't anywhere near that bad; they usually wait until they are between 3 and 4 months (or later) before they start mixing it up.
I agree.

Usually, I separate my rabbits when they're 8-10 weeks old. However, if I"m short on space, I've kept kits of the same gender together for longer with few issues. The does tend to be more laid back together than the bucks, though even they begin mounting eachother dominantly and need to be separated eventually. The longest I've ever had two bucks live peacefully together was until they were a little over four months old. I've never kept does together that long, simply because I haven't had to and they grow faster separately.
I have a hutch with a divider in the middle. One side has a neutered male with an intact male, and the other side has two intact males. As long as A is with B, and C is with D, everyone is happy- but A and C fight without the divider. It all depends on their personalities - none are siblings.
We were tight on cage space this spring so we had multiple sibling sharing cages for a while. We even had two full grown adult females (sisters and we never separated them) together even after we bred them both. We actually didn't even separate them until right before they had their babies.

We breed meat rabbits so We plan to build large grow out tractors for next spring/summer/fall. So we will have quite a few sharing a big cage next year. We will have some spare cages for "problem children" but for the most part we don't plan on using cages for the ones growing out. It saves food and gas for the lawn mower if we have them on the grass :p
Thank y'all for all yalls info!!
It's greatly appreciated and I invite anyone to ask bunny questions on here.

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