baby turkey feeding questions


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2016
My momma RP hen just hatched 9 out of 10 eggs the last week and I have them on medicated food, and I keep reading different things not to medicate, to medicate, to give high protein food they are healthy and are looking good and do i have to add any thing else to the food? advice.
Thank you
You may not need medicated feed if they are on range and you keep the bedding dry.
I doubt your feed has enough protein. What is the %?
Poults should have 28% protein up to 8 weeks of age.
checked the bag it is only 18% protein so ill have to go to the store after work and get a different bag. do they need grit at this age?
all galliformes should have grit
If only eating a prepared feed they don't HAVE to have it but it helps develop the gizzard.

You may have trouble finding 28% if there aren't many game bird growers around you. Get the highest protein feed they have or else supplement with some animal protein.
tracker supply store carries game bird chow i'll have to call and make sure they have it in stock if not they will order it for me, they are good like that in there if they don't have something and can order it for you they do. Ill add some grit anyway just to be safe
Sorry to be a pain with all the questions but how old do they have to be to be let out with the other animals? I free range everyone. chickens, ducks, another RP hen and a RP tom.
Sorry to be a pain with all the questions but how old do they have to be to be let out with the other animals? I free range everyone. chickens, ducks, another RP hen and a RP tom.

They CAN go out any time, especially with a mother hen. Grit is larger for turkeys.
Chickens - depending on age use #1, #2 and #3. Adult turkeys need #4.

The following link has sizes and the age they are appropriate for. The poults are probably ready for #2.

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