Backyard Pole Light

My coop is close to my yard light. In my opinion it won’t light up the coop anymore then a full moon would. Unless you have a roofless coop right under the light. 😉
My farm light(and all the ones I’ve seen) are not that bright. Right under them sure, but off a ways and it’s just barely lighting things up. I wouldn’t worry about it.
I do not get it. I keep a LED light on inside my coop at all times. The girls do not mind at all. Or, if they do you cannot tell it and they certainly have not complained directly to me. They go inside the coop from the run right before the auto door closes and get on the roost.
I plan to have chickens next year and I am concerned about my pole light. It a rural co-op light that is on a 20' pole. It comes on at dusk and goes off at day break. The coop I have will let this light in. Will that be an issue stressing out the birds?

There really isn't a place I can put move it to block this light unless I board up the ventilation. Any thoughts?
I have a flood light on the back of my house that shines into the coop. It hasn't been a problem. As a matter of fact I like being able to see if anything is lurking around at night. The birds don't seem to mind the light either, they're all healthy & seem to be happy.
I plan to have chickens next year and I am concerned about my pole light. It a rural co-op light that is on a 20' pole. It comes on at dusk and goes off at day break. The coop I have will let this light in. Will that be an issue stressing out the birds?

There really isn't a place I can put move it to block this light unless I board up the ventilation. Any thoughts?

We had our pole light turned off because it announced our presence to potential burglers. It's DARK our here now and we love it. If I remember correctly, it wasn't all that bight anyway. Based on what our pole light looked like, I don't believe it should bother your chickens if they have a solid roof and enclosed shelter. Some folks put curtains over windows but I wouldn't even do that. Your birds will be fine.
Honestly, I dont believe the light will bother them at all. Why would it? I have string lights that I run every night around the area of my enclosed chicken coop, which they do get light in from the ventilation windows, not a whole lot but it hasnt bothered them a bit.
I have a flood light on the back of my house that shines into the coop. It hasn't been a problem. As a matter of fact I like being able to see if anything is lurking around at night. The birds don't seem to mind the light either, they're all healthy & seem to be happy.
Thank you, GAYLEBEA, my point exactly! :)
Thank you all for the replies. I will attempt to clarify my situation.

I live in a very rural area in the Midwest and have a common rural electric pole light in the middle of my back yard. It is 20 feet up on a pole and shines all over my property at night. I can not shut it off manually and I do not want to remove it since it's for security. Nearly every home in my area has one or two on their property. I guess they would be similar to a city street light if it was up high enough. I found a picture (not mine but very similar) and will attach it.

There isn't really a good spot I can move it to avoid this light. The only side of my house it doesn't hit is the garage and of course I can't block that.

I am planning on getting a dozen chickens next spring and the coop I plan to build will let *some* light in though the ventilation at the top under the roof. I doubt it will be like daylight inside but it definitely will not be dark.

I am still learning and not anywhere near a chicken expert so I thought I would ask if this will stress out the birds. I am not sure if they need complete darkness at night.

I can block/shade out the vents but aren't they be needed for the heat of the summer? Temps in my area can easily hit 100F in August. I can also build it without ventilation but I feel like that is a very bad idea.

So I found this forum and thought I would ask to get ideas or suggestions. Thank you all again.
I live in a rural area as well. Our security light is about 25 feet from our coup. It doesn’t seem to bother them at all. They enter the coup at dusk, and come out at dawn. Hasn’t affected their egg laying either!!
I have a similar situation in that the yard light is about 30' from the coop. I put in a clear vent cap that's 18" wide so I could get some light in the coop as well as two clear sheets on the roof. I have guineas as well as chickens and ducks. I had found that thus far they don't seem to mind, true I don't know how they would behave if the light was off. I do have two or three confused roosters that will crow at about 2-3AM for about 5-6 minutes but I don't know if this is a result of the yard light or their own confused brain. The chickens and guineas go in the coop at dark and in the evenings that I'm late closing them up their still all inside. The ducks want to stay out on the water in the pen but go in when I herd them. I have found that the uncovered metal sheeting is probably more of a stressor than anything else thus far. I am lining the interior with cardboard to, 'tone it down'. I believe if the coop were bigger the unlined interior wouldn't resonate the energy as much but it is what it is!!! My 5 ducks are laying regularly and the four hens (To regular size and two bantam's) have cut back but are still laying. I may have to block the yard light to give them a break from laying. But it is all wait and see for now. In summary, coming from the first year Fowldad, I've had to cover the clear sheeting up to cut down on the heat in the summer but that's been about it. As far as ventilation, the floor is open, 3/4" mesh, the ridge cap not sealed, fan on a thermostat and I open the down wind window. May ad more later, wait and watch the humidity. I hope this helps.

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