Badly beaten up female by 10 males. Help...


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
I need help. I'm on a lake and have 10 male ducks that are really hurting the female.
They are wild but she kinda lets me get close.
I put her on the covered dock and she stays underneath the lawn chairs. She is with her male but he is exhausted too.
What can I do? She can't even find a place to nest bc the others bully her. I am feeding her and her mate premium duck food, I bought hay to make her a bed and I take fresh water out everyday.
Her wing is screwed up and neck raw.
She a young little girl.
There is a "gang" of 3 males and one is all dark brown. These creeps bully all the other ducks.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm new to this
Thank you

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