Badly Broken Leg (emergency!!!!!)

I have a barred rock chick that tore its tendons in the hock. What I found for splnting has worked wonderfully. Go to the hardware store and get the foam insulation that you wrap air conditioning pipes in. It is usually black and it's split down long ways with adhesive on the split part. You can cut it very easily to the size you want and then use vet wrap or tape to hold it on. It keeps the tape from sticking to the feathers. I didn't use the self adhesive part because I had to trim it smaller. To remove you can just cut the tape or vet wrap where the split already is and then reuse the splint again.

Sounds like you already have a great start on recovery.

I used a 90 degree bend for my bird sounds like that is the shape that you splinted your bird in.
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She has been so patient with all the fussing over her. She wont stay in her "wheelchair" so I had to just lay her on some fresh hay in a big tub. She just kept flapping out of the chair and pulling her splint down
. I do love the idea of the pipe insulation foam
. That would work alot better than the wood and vet wrap i have. Still eating and drinking good. How long does it take to heal?

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