Badly Broken Leg (emergency!!!!!)


12 Years
Sep 11, 2009
Vass, NC
One of my five month old Araucana pullets was stepped on by one of the horses today. Seems that it stepped right on the upper thigh and snapped it right in half. It could be at the joint but it seems to be above that. The leg swings freely. The skin has NOT been broken. She is isolated and is eating well. Does she need to be culled or can i splint a clean break like this and expect it to heal?
Chickens are amazingly tough. I had one that got stepped on by a goat and broke his ankle. He walked around on it before I could get ahold of him. I did splint it so the wood took his weight. Unfortunately, it got infected but I cut it open, cleaned out the pus, disinfected it. What I could not believe is he never squawked or offered to peck me. He is doing well and I plan to remove the splint soon. Good luck with yours.;-)
Oh good grief! I'm so sorry to hear that happened. Poor pullet. Glad to hear she's handling it well. Their tolerance for pain and healing ability are both, gratefully, amazing. If it looks like a clean break splinting can definitely help. Good luck wrapping it all the way up. Just like with wrapping a horse's leg...not too tight, make sure there is circulation and check it often to make sure no rubbing or sores are developing. Keep her isolated and take away any perches to prevent her from thinking she's Super Chicken and jumping on and off with the splint. Like with any break, you can change the stiffness of the splint as time goes on to something a little less stiff so her body remodels the bone and accepts more weight/work on that leg. To answer your question: YES! You can expect it to heal!

I hope that pullet has learned to stay clear of the horses! Good luck!

Love your "cracked" quote.
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Thanks ! I will definitely be splinting her then. I dont know why they always walk around under the horses! Uhg!
I have her in a medium size tub in my shed where I keep the brooder. I have tons of vet wrap because of the horses. What can I use with it to splint? Does the splint need to be bent at the knee?
try to make a chicken wheelchair.. from your description it sounds like she broke the human equivalent of her femur

get a box and an old tea towel and cut 2 holes for her legs so she can still sit upright and not lie on her side till it heals. make sure you re-position her every once and a while too to prevent breakdown of the skin and cause more problems.
Yup, follow the bend of her leg and please be careful with the Vetwrap. If you have something sturdy like wooden dowls (or finishing lumber like trim), as you probably know, Vetwrap is best used over something hard because overtime it can tighten/constrict and cause a circulation problem. An Ace bandage would work as well.

Maybe the horses stir up bugs? I'm surprised they aren't more weary of 1000 lbs of instant-unpredictable-panic.

Please keep us posted.
OK, Ive got her splinted in a V shaped two piece splint and in a "chicken wheelchair" and on a donut. Food and water within reach.
fingers crossed

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