BADLY cracked egg on Day 18/21


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Near Monroe, North Carolina
My dog decided to trip me up while I was carrying eggs to candle them for the last time before Momma put them on lockdown... I dropped and cracked one of the eggs. The baby is still alive as far as I can tell so I put the egg in the incubator and cranked up the humidity. I removed all the other eggs I had in there to underneath various broodies so I could focus all my attention on this one (and so they would get turned by momma during the next few days while this baby will be on lockdown). This is my first time ever hatching in the incubator so its going to be doubly stressful... I painted over a few cracks with some nail acrylic but in several places the shell has totally chipped off. I read on here that most people didn't have luck hatching cracked eggs from the beginning but I did read one or two people that cracked the egg late in the process and the baby survived... So do I have reason to be hopeful? Or is it probably a lost cause? Either way, I'm keeping the egg in the incubator until hatch day unless I have reason to believe the chick has died.
Heres hoping she lives ...
There are two dangers from a cracked egg. With the crack, the egg can lose too much moisture during incubation. As late as you are in the process, this is probably not a concern. Just keep the humidity high.

The other is that bacteria can easily penetrate into the egg. Once bacteria is in there, it can multiply really fast. To me, that would be your largest danger. This does not mean that it absolutely will get bacteria in there, just that it might. I'd keep doing what you are doing.
I looked in the bator a few minutes ago just to check temps and I thought I saw the egg move!!!! So I ran and got my flashlight (room light is burnt out and Im deathly afraid of ladders so I shall use a flashlight til mother gets home). I stood there watching that egg for a good 10 minutes.. I was about to give up, when all of a sudden the egg rocked again, 3 more times.
I am assuming this means the baby is trying to get into proper hatching position??
I have had this happen 3 times around the same time. I put melted crayon wax on them. 2 made it and 1 did not. So I think you have a good chance of it making it.
I have had this happen 3 times around the same time. I put melted crayon wax on them. 2 made it and 1 did not. So I think you have a good chance of it making it.
That makes me feel better. I have found conflicting stories of success vs failure with this situation. I have upped my humidity, maybe a little more than I should but I am worried about the exposed membrane drying out and her getting stuck. Every time I come in my room, I grab my light and check on her. Almost every time within a minute or so, she will wiggle around so I can see her move. Very hopeful about this
Still only Day 19. She is still wiggling around in her shell and responds to the light. Hopefully she will hatch easily and quickly tomorrow or the day after (but not while Im gone
, I have a doc appt on both days so I will be gone for a few hours mid day)

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