Baiting the nest...


14 Years
Mar 15, 2010
On the MN prairie.
I have a hen who was in the nest this evening - later than any of them are usually there. She was pancaked into the nest, giving me the stink eye and attempted to remove my arm when I checked under her for eggs. (There were 2) I did take the eggs, she flattened herself further down into the nest box. She did eventually leave the nest, but came back a little while later, poking around but didn't find eggs so she jumped up to the roost. Now, I may be jumping the gun, but I'm hoping she's thinking about setting. I put some ceramic eggs into the nest box next to the one she was in (She was, of course, in the favorite laying place for all the hens. Six hens, eight nests, they all want the same one.) I'm hoping she's feeling broody and wants to sit on those eggs. If she does, I'm going to leave them with her and order 4-6 chicks from our local farm supply store. I didn't get any Easter Eggers or Welsummers with the batch I got earlier, so I would get 2-3 each of them. Maybe only two each. I can see things getting out of control quickly if I don't think about this... I already have 30 four-week old chicks. Ten so far appear to possibly be cockerels. At least that's how many bigger, redder combs I see.
8-0 TeeHee...of course you get a broody once you have 30 four wo's.
You can get wellies from farm store....pullets or st run?
Best of cLuck!
I think pullets, but I'll have to check the order form for sure. At this point, I'm pretty sure I don't want straight run of anything....
I have chicks coming out my ears, but I also can't let a perfectly good broody go to waste......I have one setting on 6 eggs that should hatch this week. She's a first timer, and by far the meanest broody I've ever had--I literally have the bruises to prove her condition, and that was through a sweatshirt

I have two bantams that are wanting to be mommas so, so much. Thankfully, I had set eggs in the incubator right around the time they went broody, so I'll just graft chicks to them. Less for me to brood--I'm all for that!

Besides, you have to have some dark eggers or some Easter eggers--what's a flock without those?
oh that magic feeling of a broody hen. I am thinking of just piling up some golf balls, maybe flip a trigger. Butter has ALWAYS gone broody mid May to the 1st week in June. I have a standing order for some Buckeyes, just waiting for a broody hen.

I had never done an incubator, till I did one at school. The craziest thing, is there really is nothing to see, but adults would come in all day long just to look.

This is such a fun hobby, hope she sets as tight as a tick for you!

Mrs K
Unfortunately, I think I was just being overly hopeful. She hasn't taken the bait. The only thing that has happened is a couple of the hens have started laying in my "bait nest"... Oh well, hopefully someone will get the hint.
I now have a Marans hen on the nest for the second night

I've had bantam broodies for so long, I'm looking at this nice big hen and thinking of how many eggs I could fit under her
I now have a Marans hen on the nest for the second night

I've had bantam broodies for so long, I'm looking at this nice big hen and thinking of how many eggs I could fit under her
I can see your 'washing' your hands and 'cackling'!!

Best of cLuck!

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