baking bread


12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
Eastern CT
Any bread bakers out there?
I've recently been trying some new homemade breads. I took the book, Whole Grain Breads, by Peter Reinhart out from the library. The methods are a little more complicated but I made the most delicious loaf of rye bread today. I took it to a church supper and there wasn't a crumb left from two loaves!
Got any favorites to share?
I like to bake bread too. My family has a favorite dinner roll recipe that is the one I usually bake. About the first thing out of the 10 year old grandson's mouth when he comes in the door is "Did you make buns?"
LOL, smart kid! One of my favorite memories is visiting my grandparents every summer and eating my grandmother's homemade bread with strawberry jam she'd made with berries from my grandfather's garden. Love those memories!
When my oldest was a teenage boy still living at home, I started using only homemade bread. We'd use a loaf of store-bought a day between the 5 of us and however many neighbor boys were hanging around, too.

Had SO many other places that $ could go, so the bread machine got dusted off. One of the greatest inventions EVER.
You can find me in the kitchen every morning almost kneading bread. I try to make all our bread from scratch and there is rarely a loaf of store bread in the house. I make it a lot but am by no means an expert. I have one recipe I use and after the second rise I add extras like cinnamon and raisins, or garlic and herbs, some times ham and cheese. Then roll it up put it in the pans for the second rise and into the oven it goes.
I usually make 4 to 6 loaves a day. the kids have it warm for breakfast...sliced for sandwiches for lunch.. and then a loaf on the table with dinner.
Now that's dedication. I used to bake bread twice a week but that was back when my kids were little. Store bought potato bread and milk and honey bread and multi grain has become the staples for sandwiches and toast here, but if I had more time I would like to go back to baking bread again.
At first it seems like a lot of work but then it becomes routeen. It really doesn't take that long for the work part...maybe 20 mins. all together..the reat is just letting it rise and that takes no effort. Plus I like to experament with the add I want to try peanut butter and jelly wrapped inside.
You know those yeast rolls you get that are steaming hot and pull apart like cotton candy? They are super soft and smell like heaven and just melt away in your mouth?

I want a recipe like that.

Please and thank you.
We haven't used store bought bread for years! I, too, just use the one recipe, a honey whole wheat, that my mother gave me. I so enjoy the process of kneading, it soothes and relaxes me. I don't make ours into loaves, as they are messy and dry out too easily. I make it into rolls that I roll flat, approx. 1 inch, and space it on a cookie sheet. I try to make them the appropriate size for a sandwich, so they can just be sliced in two. This way, they can be stored easily in ziploc bags and we put one bag in the fridge or freezer as we use the other bag. This method of baking the bread cuts down on the bake time also. We call this WV Flatbread!
Every time I make bread, I feel this incredible connection with my Mom and I always call her to talk while the baking bread is filling my house with that aroma! It's like going home.

One of the couples at church like my bread so well, that they gave me a wheat grinder and 12 tins of red turkey wheat they had stored from Y2K. I haven't opened the sealed tins yet to see if they are good. Their only condition was that I make them bread often! Nice folks!
Believe it or not but I have made home made bread since I was 18 years old...and that was along time ago, loL!! I don't have time right now, gotta get ready for work but I will post my sweet potato bread recipe tonight...if I can find where I wrote it down, haha! I was one of 5 finalists in a national recipe contest a few years ago, imagine that MIss Prissy! and won a trip to the Charlotte NASCAR races...a lot of cool stuff, and some cash..didn't win the $10,000 kitchen make over though
....anyway, after that, they wrote it all up in the paper here (yes, even I have had my 15minutes of fame, lol!) and they also printed my sweet potato bread isnt sweet at all, just rich..I will look for it later, gotta go so I can keep paying for this DSL and keep up with my BYC addicition, hahahaha!!! Have a great day

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