Baking soda for odor control! It works!

I'll have to keep searching for the definitive answer. :) Enjoy your day folks
Have you tried D.E.? Diatomaceous Earth? Need to get specifically the "food grade". Works great for bugs and pests where the ducks can't get. It can be put into food, our vet recommends a bit in the dog's food once a week or so. And in a stinky goose / duck coop - smell is gone in minutes. I buy it in 25 lbs bags and go through a bag or two per year. It's amazing how well it controls spiders inside our basement.
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. My intention right now is rat control. My word of advise with DE is to not put it in the dusting area. My BF got just a smidge in his eye once and he said it felt like is was on fire, so I dont let the girls bathe with it, kicking it up and around their eyes.
Baking Soda is great stuff for odder control. Just remember its alkali. The more you put down the more alkali the soil becomes. Under a cage it probably wont be a problem but if you use it around plants and use it a lot eventually it will kill them.
What would die the animal or the plant and I’m trying to make my ducks brooder stink less should I pour baking soda under the bedding to reduce smell or is dose it harm the ducks and kill them
Okay, so I tried to get PDZ at the feed store, but all they had was Stall-Dri and it was twice as expensive as the same quantity of feed... I just couldn't do it! lol

So I decided to try the old stand-by: Baking soda. I hesitated, because no one on here or in any of my reading seemed clear on whether it was safe for ducks, but I decided to take a chance because it's so very innocuous for humans & goats (in fact, it's a tonic against bloat in goats), and because I know it's present in a lot of the breads people use for treats for ducks. I realize that doesn't necessarily mean it won't hurt them if ingested directly, but I figure since all my research didn't produce an answer, the only way to find out was to try a little.

So I put a tiny bit on top of their bedding this morning, and watched for a bit. They picked at it, but quickly discovered it wasn't yummy and mostly left it alone. So then I poured more in, so there's a fine covering over the whole floor (quickly ground in by their walking, and washed in by all the water everywhere, of course). It's now 12 hours later and the brooder doesn't stink!!

I use baking soda for SO many things around the house. It's so cheap and useful and non-toxic. And now I have a new use! Yay!

I'm curious whether anyone else has tried baking soda? If you have or do, I'd like to hear about it--I'd hesitate to actually recommend it to anyone until there's a larger body of evidence beyond my one brooder of ten ducklings. Thanks!
I have not yet but will be doing so tonight in the baby chicken holder I have I cannot stand smells i change their little house bedding everyday i even have chucks under the shavings yuck the smell so I will let you know. I also read that de pool filter known as earth baking soda and crushed lime works when mixed together for outside coops

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