Bald butt and swollen below vent.

For some reason I didn't get this message until today. I got a different kind of antibiotic, but before I could do anything the swelling seemed to retreat. If it's going to resolve on its own I think I'll let it - but now I have something for treatment if it's necessary. I'll look up gallimycin - sounds like it's specific for chickens. Thanks!
For some reason I didn't get this message until today. I got a different kind of antibiotic, but before I could do anything the swelling seemed to retreat. If it's going to resolve on its own I think I'll let it - but now I have something for treatment if it's necessary. I'll look up gallimycin - sounds like it's specific for chickens. Thanks!

thats AWESOME!!!
Has anyone figured out what this is? I have a hen that is like what you are describing. I am not sure if she is laying or not, I have 10 hens out of 20 laying..She looks and acts totally fine except for being swollen and red. I picked her up last night and I cannot feel anything in the swelling, she didnt move at all when I was feeling around, so Im not sure if its sore or not.
Hi. I am also new to this forum. My hens are molting right now and all their butts are bald and red. There is also a spot on top of their backs that are bare and red. Is this normal molting or is there something else wrong?
So I'm new and have been following this thread. I don't want to upset anyone by mentioning this but would anyone having a chicken with this condition be willing to cull and do an autopsy and report the findings? I would understand if not, obviously! I just also would like to know what this mystery illness is in case one of my girls gets this condition.
They are not itching or biting themselves....They are eating and drinking just fine. They donot act like their bottoms hurt.
Wow sorry to hear of the problems every one is having...this problem just popped up on another thread with younger chickens...and then i found this thread.

the egg yolk peritonitis seems to be the best guess so far guys and the prognosis sucks.

I agree with the earlier post its time for some real answers to try and figure the best solutions.

Sad to say asphyxiation by internal pressure, abdominal rupture, and sepsis are terrible fates.

Start considering some dissected internal investigations.

Future chickens are looking toward the answers.

Again, I feel for Ya
I am new to this forum, but as I can't quite figure out if or what we can do to assist our hen, am hoping that someone on here can make some recommendations that may be of assistance to us. We have 7 leghorns that have been raised from chicks and one of them seemed to be bearing down while outside, and straining unusually hard. When I went to check on her and looked more closely, I found she had a very swollen butt/bottom, which is very red and extended! Nothing seemed to be coming out, and I wondered if an egg could be stuck in her, if she had some type of constipation, and/or if she has an infection, or something else? I read on here that some people soak their chickens in a warm bath, which seems like a somewhat obvious remedy if this were a human being...but, ?

Thank you!

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