bald eagle. legal options?

Legally, there's nothing you can do it... legally, you're not even allowed to "disturb" them (which is pretty vague language IMHO). The only thing you can do is alter your property to protect your girls and discourage predators... hiding places like bushes, small trees, and low structures help. I wish I had more suggestions, but the only other thing I can think of is to keep your girls cooped up for a couple weeks and hope the eagle moves on.
If i had 8 birds in a backyard maybe.... but i have 160 spread out over 5 + acres (10 acre property) and we do pasture rotation. Somehow i think 1000s of cds would make the neighbors think were nuts (ok... more

You can always rob a Blockbuster shop........
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Yep dogs have to be in the same enclosure as the chickens, otherwise the eagle won't care. My dogs see them approaching and won't let them land, they chase them when they fly over. An eagle could in theory still grab one quickly and fly off with it but I would be really surprised if that happened in my yard, the LGDs don't miss a thing. You have to get dogs specifically bred for livestock protection, otherwise they may not be of any help.
Yep dogs have to be in the same enclosure as the chickens, otherwise the eagle won't care.  My dogs see them approaching and won't let them land, they chase them when they fly over.  An eagle could in theory still grab one quickly and fly off with it but I would be really surprised if that happened in my yard, the LGDs don't miss a thing.  You have to get dogs specifically bred for livestock protection, otherwise they may not be of any help.  

Or dogs with only 4 twos on their hind feet.

The specific concerning LGD's has been disproved time and time again.
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I've heard lamas are fantastic at protecting livestock. Or maybe even an emu. I don't know how practical those options are for you.
We are discussing a livestock guarding dog or animal. Emus are totally out as are big heavy animals like llamas due our muddy ground half the year. Ive never had a lgd.... I will have to do research on them.
We are discussing a livestock guarding dog or animal. Emus are totally out as are big heavy animals like llamas due our muddy ground half the year. Ive never had a lgd.... I will have to do research on them.

We have all kinds of aerial predators. No chicken losses free range on 5 acres. My main LGD is a Turkish Kangal. I also have 1 AF collie, 1 3/4 Kangal, and 2 Pyrs. The Kangals have full access to entire 80ac property. No coyotes, no bobcats, no panther, no wolves, no hogs, no raptors, no raccoon, no weasles, no possums, few snakes. Took 2 yrs to train her roperly to poultry, but she lets guineas groom her while she sleeps now.
She scans the sky visually like no other dog.
I highly recommend!

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