Bamboo as Fencing and Barriers and other uses- Post info and Sggtns

the clumping type does make a good screen but if used as a fence line it will have openings between clumps. and as far as chickens eating the runners, I doubt they would, its not very tender.
We have bamboo, I used the tub from a broke down washer and one from a dryer to plant them in. ( you cant see the tubs they are underground) The bamboo can get a little out of control when left on its own, I use to just have it growing in the yard
but it is not that hard to pull up here, we have sandy soil, I also slow its growth down by not giving it water in the summer, just enough to keep it alive. We mowed over any starts that came up after we moved it to the tubs and pulled it when it was little, so pretty much it is no longer in the yard but it does make a good hedge, and so pretty. You do have to get after it when it starts spreading where you don't want it, you will see a little start and the next day its a foot tall I swear!
Once you allow bamboo on your property it takes over ! It spreds its shoots like crazy and if its the same stuff that can grow up here in Maine, it will come up through pavement! No kidding. So be careful which type you get and where you are. Good luck!
Yea you couldnt pay me to but bamboo in my yard, build a fence and be done with it.. all the hours you'll put in fighting the bamboo isnt worth it.
Thanks everybody for all the good points you have made- pro and con- This will help me decide what to do. Would still like to hear from others who have some knowledge about bamboo. I'm leanin maybe toward planting some nice clumping types . Might need to abandon the idea of a barrier since I don't want it to get away from me and overtake everything.
Most people I know who have bamboo are eager for anyone to come a cut as much as they want. I have some that I intend to try and make into a top for my pen. It is best when growing at a friend's house, not at your own.

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