Bantam chicks

No problem! I've been trying to hold off till they we're all feathered for an update and at this point everybody is fully feathered except 4, they still have a few spots that need to grow in but I figured it was close enough :p. Every day I fall more in love with them all. 1 pretty much hated me up until yesterday, I won him over with a hand fed meal worm since everybody kept stealing them. He will now hang out in my lap and let me pick him up without flipping out and darting away.

What I'm thinking is he got thrown in with the bantams because of his size as a chick. There was a bin with white and black chicks when I first saw the babies but I didn't buy any at that point and I don't recall what the tag said for that bin. When I came back a couple hours later there was only the bantams and various red/brown breed bins left. And he was the only white and black chick in the bantam bin, so obviously I had to have him lol. Him and 4 we're my first picks :p. So ya it really wouldn't surprise me if that's what happened and he's not actually a bantam. He also seems to have picked up quite a bit on growing, where the others it's much less noticable. Either way I love him to death :p.

Oh thank goodness the silver laced is a pullet, she's so sweet now, as soon as she figured out how to sorta fly she hangs out on the side of their in door pen and cherps at me, then settles into my hand when I pick her up. The leg size on her and the other Cochin had me worried, but I had no other Cochin to compare them to. I'll still be uncerten on 4 but ya the comb and tiny wattles haven't really grown or darkend so I'm super hopeful. It's super passive, every time I go to pick it up it squats to the floor, has no problem with 1 walking all over it, and is just super calm.

I'll probably post more pics after another week or two.

Thank you again for the help on idintifying them it is so much appreciated.
#1 Hamburg - cockerel
#2 sliver laced Cochin - pullet
#3 Spangled OEGB - pullet
#4 Mottled Cochin - pullet(?)

Time flys, they are so big now!
Life got busy so I haven't been on but here's some pics of those babies all growed up and their babies lol.
Here's nugget the Hamburg, he's turned into such a pretty boy. Saddly I don't have a side view picture of him.

The silver laced Cochin. And mother of the babies I'll be posting.

The OEGB who hatched and raised the chicks.

Saddly a couple weeks ago we lost the molted cochin, she did turn out to be a pulled, I have 6 of her eggs in the incubator due to hatch on the 24th.

Here Sky and Nuggets babies (silver laced and Hamburg).
IMG_20181116_205555143.jpg this is number 3 (no names yet lol)

IMG_20181116_210450659.jpg the one in front is number 1. (Two is facing away on my shoulder)

Snapchat-1220047796.jpg I apparently don't have a clear face shot of number two from recently so this one was a while ago, 2 is closest to the camera sporting it's daddies comb. The other two pics they are 7 weeks old. I'll try to get clearer pictures of all three for guesses on if I've got pullets or not.
They are pretty rad :). Moved them outside over the weekend so it took me a bit to get pictures but here they are.

IMG_20181120_151848354.jpg IMG_20181120_151851109.jpg IMG_20181120_151856342.jpg IMG_20181120_151854114.jpg Those are all of number 1. Squirmy little chicky. Don't mind my derpy tired face.

IMG_20181120_152020359.jpg IMG_20181120_152013916.jpg IMG_20181120_152009090.jpg IMG_20181120_152005660.jpg All number 2.

IMG_20181120_151709631.jpg IMG_20181120_151706093.jpg and number 3. 3 was a good little chicky holding mostly still lol.

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