BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is a better picture of the bantam, i am not sure other than it is a bantam what kind though it is just starting to it's feathers in on body, has them on legs too but not very friendly yet, but they took em 2 days to get their pecking order figured out and now they seem to be a lot calmer and everyone is eating and drinking good
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here is a better picture of the bantam, i am not sure other than it is a bantam what kind though it is just starting to it's feathers in on body, has them on legs too but not very friendly yet, but they took em 2 days to get their pecking order figured out and now they seem to be a lot calmer and everyone is eating and drinking good
cute lil fluff ball!
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no clue came from cal ranch, yeah it's cute and finally settling a little better, told cal ranch off about leaving chicks and other flock birds with only 1 in a cage seems how I went in today and they had several breeds together and the poor little fluff ball had been there all alone , wouldn't even get up and eat or drink so they gave it to us as even they didn't think it would make it.

I am just glad to see it doing so well from when we took it home, he really would rather cuddle with us than the other chicks though lol, and as we don't have an established flock there's no mother hens to foster them. the duckling that was alone in another cage we bough is just starting to get some feathers but playing at being mommy to the chicks lol, it's just so much bigger we keep a close eye on it, the Boxer is a good deterrent to the duck though as he's very vigilant if they start squawking he wants to play mommy too lol

we have 2 opringtons, 3 barred plymoth rock chicks besides the cute little fluff ball
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here is a better picture of the bantam, i am not sure other than it is a bantam what kind though it is just starting to it's feathers in on body, has them on legs too but not very friendly yet, but they took em 2 days to get their pecking order figured out and now they seem to be a lot calmer and everyone is eating and drinking good
Does it have five toes? I think it looks like a silkie. Some sort of fluffy breed. SO cute!
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This is a white silkie chick

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