BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a red roo the only boy that I got with the six chicks I got from the local feed store.

My bantam Cochin Cockerel Will. He is so sweet today I taught him to jump on my leg, so now when I squat he runs up and jumps on my leg! So cute! He even jumped on my sisters back and she gave him a ride!
@calichicken Do you have pips yet? Chicks? You've got to be close! Lol

I was talking with my Dad the other day and I think I solved the color problem!
We were talking about letting all the birds free range...since there will be so many soon...he mentioned that if I needed to separate out for breeds I can separate them again for a few weeks and then they Will be true to who they are breeding too...

I only waited a week before I collected eggs for hatching...chances are both Hens were being covered by both roos...even though I only saw one roo doing the job at the time...that's about the only way to explain how I ended up with Calico Frizzles! He wasn't crowing when they were all together but he was getting the job done! Lol

Out of 6 frizzle eggs I have 4 frizzles now and only one looks a little like in color!

So sorry I have not been on the site...crazy time of year in the classroom! I had 14 of my bantam cochin eggs hatch

Well the mystery of Miss Dixies disappearing babies was solved today...and now she only has two left and I only have one cat!

The offending cat that earned her way to a predators death killed a total of 11 lil banty chicks...she was caught with the evidence in her mouth crawling out of the chicken run through a space I could barely get my hand through...

So mystery solved...but a very heavy heart...I had 8 babies yesterday, 5 of them frizzles and now just one frizzle and one straight feather and no blues!! :-(

I thought about putting some of my Easter hatch babies in with the parents, as most of them are hers, but the calicos are doing a really good,job of fostering them and they are settled...


So sorry
It is amazing how small an opening an sneaky predator can get through

My bantam Cochin Cockerel Will. He is so sweet today I taught him to jump on my leg, so now when I squat he runs up and jumps on my leg! So cute! He even jumped on my sisters back and she gave him a ride!

Bantam cochins are so friendly. My girl will come up to me and tug on my pant leg when she wants to sit on my lap....affectionately known asking for laptime" in our family
I never realized cochins came in so many neat colors. I thought they were just solid colored and boring. They certainly are not. I have heard they are a gentle, sociable breed, and bantams are the perfect size for city living., or hiding in an apartment. Of course going broody is another plus factor.

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