BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it is a Cochin it is a color I've never seen before, I'd say buff but the wings have other markings on them.
Chicks don't really follow poeple unless you hatched them and they think you're they're mom. My chicks come running when the mamma hen calls them. Otherwise I've noticed SHE follows THEM around, she basically is a protector, food finder, and warm place for the chicks. They stay near her but most of the time they are the leaders.
Hand feed them as much as you can. Then they will love you. Some of my little 2 week old babies will now come and jump on my hand just to perch or try and dustbathe if I have chick crumbles in my hand! Very sweet babies. They were hatched by our Old English Game Bantams who have taught them that people mean yummy food. So that helps. Ours go nuts for silverbeet or dandelion leaves so those are healthy treats to try. Hold it so they can pick bits off. A bit of cheese was also popular as was apple but I had to scrape bits off with my fingernail for them as they weren't strong enough to pick bits off for themselves.

Enjoy your cuties.
I just love how her feathers are coming in.

She is just the funniest little thang too. Not concerned with all the hoopla her brooder mates get into. But she is the first to burrow into their little dogpile each night when they hunker down for bedtime.

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