Bantam has lump on back?


8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Our little Mille Fleur d'Uccle bantam hen is about 23 weeks old. She is definitely the bottom of the pecking order and can get picked on a bit by the full-size birds. Yesterday, we noticed she was walking funny - lopsided - and had a big lump on her back. She didn't appear to be in pain as if something was broken, though. We brought her inside and she laid what is probably her first egg overnight - it was a bit thin-shelled but it was large for her size. We thought maybe that was it - but the lump is still there. A 2nd egg?? I feel the lump if I feel under her right wing and a bit on her back (so, back and side). I love the little thing and don't know if this is normal or if she has a serious issue. I am intending to look up avian anatomy but I still can't imagine an egg would end up on the back! Thank you for any help.

~Lori and Blackie
Thanks - I did about 2 hrs of googling this morning and it seems tumors are not uncommon. Regardless - tumor or internally laid egg - there doesn't seem much to do for her. We put her back with the flock this afternoon and she's just doing her little chickie things but going in and out of the nest box so I won't be surprised to see another little egg today or tomorrow morning
. We'll just keep an eye on her and if she gets obviously uncomfortable, I guess we look at putting her out of her misery. So sad - naturally, she's my favorite one. She's a bit of an underdog because she nearly died as a chick - I found her twice laying on her back with her little legs in the air. I nursed her back but maybe she just has multiple defects.
Anyway, thanks for your reply.
Can you get a pic of the lump? I would normally make the guess in such a young bird that she has an abscess rather than a tumor. Abscesses are more common in birds than tumors are. Especially in a bird that age who has a history of getting picked on. A pic would help.
There's really nothing to "see" - it's more of a "feel" thing, but she is walking a bit lopsided. I'll try to get a pic that shows it. Her skin isn't broken at all tho - I thought maybe it was an infected area with mites or something but what I could see at skin level looked fine, healthy and pink.
There's really nothing to "see" - it's more of a "feel" thing, but she is walking a bit lopsided. I'll try to get a pic that shows it. Her skin isn't broken at all tho - I thought maybe it was an infected area with mites or something but what I could see at skin level looked fine, healthy and pink.
whatever happened with this hen? I have the same thing happeNing to mine.
Unfortunately, our girl didn't make it. She lived another 6 months, laying regularly, but eventually developed some crop problems and didn't make it. She was our favorite! I never found out what was wrong with my girl!

whatever happened with this hen? I have the same thing happeNing to mine.
Unfortunately, our girl didn't make it. She lived another 6 months, laying regularly, but eventually developed some crop problems and didn't make it. She was our favorite! I never found out what was wrong with my girl!
Sorry about your hen, but the picture looks similar to ones I have seen of spinal bone deformities, either "roach back," "kinky back," or scoliosis. Here is some reading about that:

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