Bantam Hen/Standard Cross Result!

Marion smith

In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2017
Ok guys here it is! This is what happens when you cross an Old English Game Bantam hen with a standard size Barred Rock Rooster. Now this particular hen is tiny! I mean so tiny that everyone has said she's the tiniest Banty they've seen. Well my Barred rock rooster is huge! He's a big boy and I have no idea how they managed to eh hem! (Wiggles eyebrows suggestively) they did though and the egg was very tiny about the size of a quail egg. Not kidding! When the chick hatched it literally pipped and the egg busted open! The chick is seemingly healthy but she has a bare back. Meaning there aren't any feathers on part of her back. She should grow feathers though I think she was just jammed in there. She's tiny but it definitely doesn't look like she would fit in the egg lol! She's about the size of a silkie chick possibly a tad smaller. She's as cute as a button tough and feisty! See video here! Sorry I misspoke on the breed.

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