bare bellies...feather picking?


10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
Davis County, Utah
I just got a bunch of new chickens to add to my flock. I was told they are a little over a year old. The majority of them have bare " picked" bellies. What does this mean? I am thinking how they used to roost, maybe it allowed for feather picking there as from on top they appear normal. And ... if a chicken is going to pick feathers off of another chicken, wouldn't it be all over, not just on the underside? Any thoughts? Please share any thoughts!
I agree OR it could be that they had no roost in their former home and the bare bellies are from sleeping on the bedding. Does the area that is bare look red or inflamed?
Broody hens do that, it's called a "brood patch"
You can see part of the brood patch in this photo.
Since you're seeing this on so many of them, I'd guess it has to do with where they slept. Unless that many were broody all at once, which seems unlikely. Feather picking is uisually on the back end or the top of the back, not the belly -- feather picking by others, that is.
I agree. One or two hens bare, maybe broody. OP said the majority. I'm thinking they didn't have a roost to sleep on in their former home.
thanks for all the thoughts. I was getting discouraged at the thought of them being in the habit of picking out their own feathers. If it's a matter of needing roost space from now on, I can do that.
We'll see.

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