Barking Dog training...


9 Years
May 5, 2010
Chickaloon, Alaska
I have eight dogs... they all (of course) bark at one time or another, or for this is that, MAINLY when something is about that doesn't need to be. I know alert barks, and play barks, and dinnertime barks, etc etc.

HOWEVER, I have one pup (6 years old) that is starting to bark TOO MUCH... for no reason most of the time. It's never at night, always during the day. She did this once before a couple years ago, I was in the process of rearranging kennels and it stopped. Not moving kennels

So, suggestions? I won't tell what I've tried....yet
I use an anti-barking collar on my yappy dogs-only at night when the barking is disrupting my sleep.
One thing trainers suggest is to get the dog to bark ON COMMAND. Give a treat when it "speaks",. Over and over. Then say, "Quiet", or, "enough" while the dog is quiet, and give a treat for that. Go back and forth, between "speak" and "quiet". Eventually, the dog is supposed to learn the difference. Good luck - I know how annoying that can be!

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