Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

I bit the bullet and ordered eggs today
I am going to plug in and prep the bator tomorrow. I hope these turn out better than my last and only other experience with shipped eggs. The PO internally scrambled them with no damage to the outside shell. I only had one chick hatch and it was sickly and deformed, died two days later. So fingers crossed
I really need more hens, and I wouldn't turn down a better roo.
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I'm putting some under the broody hen. Hope she stays broody!! She's been sitting for 2 days now and is a wyandotte and the eggs will be wellsummers. The Barnie hen hasn't gone broody yet, but has steadily been laying 5-6 eggs a week.

My foam bator with egg turner and the scrambled yolks from the post office just haven't done well on growing the embryo's.
Had 2 DIS in the hatcher, so did the water test and there aren't any heartbeats.

So I'm putting extras under the wyandotte and more in the foam bator and here's hoping I get chicks! I have a source in Ohio for Barnies and I'm thinking I will just buy HENS and a ROO and work with them!

Good luck on the bator. Its fun but exasperating. Do LOVE egg watching. Much better than watching TV.

'Watcha doing?
Watching the eggs, Look it rocked.
Come back, the egg just pipped! Come see.
What do you mean it pipped?
See that little hole, it's beak just came out.
Where? Oh there. Oh there it is. When is it going to hatch?
Oh that could take hours.
Are you just going to sit there all day and watch the egg and not do any housework?
Well you just sit and watch tv, what's the difference.
I'm doing something.
No you're not and this is better, it's REAL LIFE.

That's good for about an hour. Better than stupid tv!
My Barnevelder eggs that I purchased from a breeder here in Ohio hatched 2 weeks ago. 12 out of 14 eggs! I am very pleased. I have never seen a Barnevelder chick before. I now can say I think they are some of the most beautiful chicks I have ever seen. The rich almost mahagony browns with creamy to dark yellow markings are striking. I really love how there faces have different patterns. In so many breeds the chicks can look like clones of one another. The Barnevelder chicks all have the same colors just different tones, and deepth of color, and variations of masking on the face. I wish they could stay like this forever! I look forward to working with and improving this breed.

Happens every time I hatch... I have become an Egg-spert at hatching my own/local eggs, but this will be my second try with shipped eggs.

I ordered them off ebay from the OP of this thread, you can see them here.

I am going to cull off the extra barnie roosters soon, they have all filled out nice and mostly recovered from their moult so I will be able to pick the best. I already have a good idea about who is in first place to stay, second place is kinda a toss up though.
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These are some pics of my Barnies. They are some of the best and most easy going chickens there are in my opinion. My roosters name is Hitler because of his german linage, but unlike The real Hitler this rooster is calm and good natured. My hens still arent named because i can't think of a name for them.




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