Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Yeah, right? I am at 31 weeks with my 3 gorgeous girls from Trisha and still no eggs. Time of year isn't helping much I'm sure... Yesterday was cloudy in the afternoon and they were all on their perches getting ready for bed by 3:45pm... UGH
Minding her own business hangin' out with momma....

then look at her attitude when her sister comes along and butts about getting the cold shoulder.

the little shy one....

and look at whose peeking out.....look closely.

Stephanie started at 6 mos and one day...or I guess I could say 24 weeks and a day. Her first daughter started on or around the same age. Waiting for daughter #3 to start laying. Also waiting on another pullet to stary laying who is just over 5 mos old., the pullet that I hatched out from eggs from Johan this year.
Thank you both.

Steve~ The little Blue one is a Blue Copper Marans. Both of the Blue Laced Barnie project chicks are not being raised under the broody. I am pretty certain that both of them are boys, so I am raising them in a brooder where I can handle them. That broody is wicked mean, she broke skin on the front of my hand yesterday when I reached in and took the male Barnie chicks away from her. I have a hard enough time not getting pecked when I just try to change the waterer and fill the feeder. I don't think she is going to get the chance to be a Momma again unless she mellows out like 1000%.
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The plus side of that Kim is that you don't have to worry about her protecting the babies from the others in the coop.

This is true Kelly....but this gal is mean. She gets off those babies and comes at me when I open the door to do the basics and I'm not even close to her. I don't blame her for being mad yesterday when I took those males, but to come at me when I am not doing anything different than I have done for the last 30 plus days is ridiculous. I reckon she is getting ancy to take them outside and move to a bigger area, so I will give her a little credit there, but seriously, she needs to chill a bit.
Thank you for the help everyone! Thankfully, my BCM's are laying, so I at least have SOME eggs to look forward to... but it is quite daunting to realize I still have to wait another four months!

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