Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Thanks Pysankigirl:)

I found a page that was posted on another website about barnies. Don't know what book or article that it came from but it has some neat info. One think I noticed is that the male's breast should be beetle green (solid black?). Hard to read, but I believe that's what it says. I think the Barnevelder cock looks taller and with more leg than most of the birds I've seen. I wish they showed a pic of a hen too.

Hi Royce,
Congrats on the show with your welsumer pullet. Did you get reserve with your barnie pullet? Did you get pics of your Barnies too?


Originally Posted by CarolynF

Tailfeathers... it was nice to meet you at the show Saturday. Your big roo was certainly a nice looking fella!

Ugh!!!!!!!!!! Trying to post pics on here is an exercise in true frustration!!! I just lost my whole post after a half hour of trying!! Ok, so let's see how it goes this time....

First, thanks gals. I appreciate the kinds words. Carolyn, I hate to ask this but could you remind me which one you were at the show? I talked with soooo many people and want to connect the dots.

Here is a pic of the pullet that took Reserve Continental and BB:

Hopefully you can click on the pic and it will open up bigger so you can see the detail in the lacing and especially the eye color. I took one cock, one hen, one cockerel, and one pullet. The judge (Butch Gunderson/APA VP) made some marks on the coop cards for all my Barnies that I had not seen before so I asked him about them later. He said they indicated he liked the Type, Color, and Condition. There is very little difference between the hen and the pullet except the pullet has a little bit better leg color and, of course, slightly smaller wattles.

Here is a pic of the brown-phase cockerel I took:

This guy isn't holding his tail very good in the pic but you'll notice he has exceptional eye color. He doesn't have as much lacing in his breast and thighs as his dad (on the right) but overall he's not too bad. Leg color is about the same.

Now I don't recall what else I was going to say and I think I'll save this now before I lose it as it's been about an hour just to make this one post! I think that's about everything. Probably remember as soon as I hit the Submit button.

Oh yeah, two more quick things. First, I sure would like to see a whole lot more Barnies at the shows. Love to see some of you Portland folks come up to Chehalis. Y'all are actually closer to Chehalis than me so I hope you'll consider it next time. And last, Trisha those are some gorgeous BL hens!!!

God Bless,
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They are very pretty!
how old is the pullet?

She's about 8.5 months old.

Btw, I forgot to mention, the picture of the cock bird to the right is when he was about the same age as the cockerel on the left. It was taken after the show in March on St. Patty's Day. I couldn't get a picture of him at the show on Saturday because he was too big to fit in the frame as the aisles were too close together. He's a real tank now though.

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