Barred Rock Chicks Trying to Fly at 6 Days Old?!?

Mar 30, 2020

So I have been terrible at updating you guys! We got 20 chicks last Wednesday - 11 Barred Rocks and 9 Buff Orpingtons. My husband's coworker took 3 Barreds and 2 Buffs leaving us with 15. We had them in a 40 gallon horse trough and that was NOT enough.. We joked that the Barreds were "Barred Rockets!" We moved them to a 110 gallon trough (it was supposed to be a raised bed - but it will be a brooder first!)

Anyhow, this morning, this little one found its way to the top of the feeder! Is this normal?!?

Also - PLEASE tell me it's a hen and not a roo.. it's SO friendly and we can't have roosters in city limits :(

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