Barred Rock laying age

I don't really think that the breed of chicken determines when they should start laying. Each bird is different. no matter what their breed is. Some start laying earlier than others and some later. The red combs and wattles and the squat are good signs when they are about to start laying.

The breed of the chickens does matter some... But it mainly depends on the bird maturity:)
I hear ya! I have 3 BR, 6 BO, who are all the same age, born 1st week of May. The BR started squatting about 16 weeks, and two of them were getting the red comb & waddles, my other BR was a bit behind.
At 18 weeks, my biggest BR, with the reddest comb & waddle laid her first egg on Sept 1st., 5 days later the second egg arrived & 5 days after that, came the third. Two days later I got two eggs, so I knew my other BR what also has the red comb & waddle was laying. Funny thing is, that hen is my daily layer now. She has laid 5 days in a row & my other hen who started it all has taken a
The only reason I know this is, the second hen, we see her sitting in the nest box just before we find the egg.

My BO are just now started to get their waddles, small & pink or dark pink, I figure about mid Oct. I may find eggs from them, they will be about 26 - 27 weeks by then.

My 3 EE are two weeks younger than the BO, and are still pullet looking, so I figure sometime around or after Thanksgiving.

Funny thing, my 2 youngest hens are my Light Brahmas, they are a month younger than my oldest 9, but they are as big as my BO's. So with them I have no clue when to expect them to start laying.
This is our 1st experience having chickens.We have a Barred rock and a black Astralorp. They are about 14 weeks now. Can you explain more about the comb and the wattle? How big do they get when it's near time to lay eggs? I'm not sure what to look for. Also what do you mean by squat? Sorry to be so clueless but just learning about chickens. We sure enjoy them and I think we just might get more in the spring. They are very funny to watch and just enjoyable. Thanks for all the great info from everyone on this site. This is my # 1 go to site with any questions about chickens.
this is my black australorp who started laying on Friday at 18 weeks 1 day old. She's given us 3 eggs in 5 days and we are so very excited! As you can see by the pic her comb and wattles aren't that big but they are Sooo red. Squatting means that they lower their bodies and sort of open up their wings. It's kind of a sign of submission... I think so the rooster will know she's ready. I don't have roosters but my BA squats when I go to pet her. It's kind of funny! :) good luck, hope you get an egg soon.
Congrats on your new eggs! That is great that she is laying at 18 weeks. I can't wait until our start laying. Also thanks for explaining what to watch for. Hope you get lots of great eggs.
We have 4 golden comets and 4 barred rocks. Everyone is laying but 1 barred has not started laying and they are about 28 weeks old.
My 3 BRs are 27.5 weeks and we are still waiting for their eggs. Their comb isn't very big, but they are very red. It's finally cooling off so, any day now...

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