Barred rock male or female?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2012
I have three barred rock chicks that are 2 1/2 weeks old. One of them has been about five days behind the others in feathering out. This was especially noticeable with the tail. Now I’ve noticed that this one seems a little more white than the others. We cannot have any roosters so it would be very sad if this one is a male and I would prefer to identify him or her earlier.
Pictures of the one we are unsure about, who is labeled purple:

And then a comparison, labeled blue:


Now that I look at the pictures it looks like purple is a rooster. But I’d like to make sure. Purples feet are lighter but they do still have dark markings on them, sorry for the blurry photo.
Hard to see the comb clearly but I'd lean pullet. Still has darker feathering and comb appears to be small and still very yellow. My pullet had lighter legs than that at 2.5 wks. They are almost black at 7 weeks now. It's still too early to be sure, though for yours.
Thanks, you’ve given me some hope. I’ll try for a clearer comb photo. If purple is male, I want to try to find another chick ASAP because we would like to have three just in case one dies then we won’t have a loner.
Here are purple’s feet and comb again.


Thanks for the help, with a micro flock having one be a rooster is a big problem.
The one you think is a pullet is for sure a pullet. Feathers are way too black coming in. Legs are almost pitch black. No doubt.

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