Barred rock vs cuckoo maran

thank you all, yes I have decided these are marans hens, which is an nice surprise. Love getting their eggs.
True Cuckoo Marans have white legs no feathers though, and the barred Rocks have yellow legs, but some that you get from the hatcheries can have the wrong leg colors one of mine did. So I try not to use the leg color.
I should say my CM don't have feathered legs.

While on the subject of Marans, this is supposed to be a Cuckoo marans rooster, although a few months ago some on here told me probably a mix. I have yet to hear him crow, but he is starting to look like a rooster. Hope my pics show up!
The whilte and black one , far right on the last picture is supposed to be a cuckoo marans roo, but am told is probably a mix, and I have yet to hear him crow. He is however getting taller than the rest and seems to be getting the tail feathers and all so am guessing he is a rooster. What do yall think?
I apologize for hijacking your thread, but what type is the blue hen in your picture?? I have one very similar and was told it was a California Grey, but that doesn't look like any I've seen, thanks for the help on this, Teresa
Oh thats fine Teresa. I was told that hen is a Blue Marans. Now I have only had chickens for about 6 months, and I could be wrong. She has not started laying yet, so can't tell by her eggs yet. But she has grown into a beautiful hen! All the chickens I have, we boug
ht at about the same time, and they were all about the same age, give or take a few weeks.
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