Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

I was outside working today, and interupted a preening session:






This is the second largest roo:




I wish I could capture their true size on camera. They are enormous. They much prefer to range in the timber, and stay far away from the coop most of the day. They go further away than any of my chickens ever have.
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Will their tails eventually go up to the proper angle?

This is a little more accurate. This is today. I think yesterday's pictures portray that because they were preening and dust bathing when I disturbed them.




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Hey Kathy,
What kind of camera you have? You are taking some great pictures of your chickens.
No, no, no ...... not Kodak .....


Honestly, I went to Walmart to shop for a digital camera about a month ago. They had one they discontinued. Originally $259. for $100., so I bought it. It is a FUJIFILM F470 FinePix camera with 6.0 mega pixels (whatever that means).
Who would think you had a Argus. I bet alot of folks never heard of that camera my aunt Louise use to take pictues with a camera like that I use to love to play with the old bulbs after she took pictures as a little kid.
You got a good deal on a camera at Wall Mart I bought a new Cannon at Sams for about $200. It takes good videos as well just as pictures but have not sat down and tried to up load a one minute video to U tube.

Going to use it today at the fair.

Boy I got in front of two sting men yesterday afternoon. The both brought about 100 birds each. They do it each year they get about 200 chicks each from hatcheries Mostly you know what kind of chickens I will be nice they like them but one guy had some good buff birds they looked like buff rocks but did not have yellow legs. The had some nice naked necks if you are into those kind of birds.

The had some real good quality black cochin bantams sound like Mr. Fox got some good blood some where at Ideal.

Going back I hope to win champion bantam duck then the duck can go as high as the judge will place him. I found a white rock pullet that is a dish just thirty days away from being in peak form my white leghorn bantam females have been laying to long they are looosing it and I found a killer R I Red bantam cockerel that is about two weeks away from being on target. I got to get me some bantam show coops to put my birds in as they look different in 2x2 concdition coops or 4x4 coops. Next year I got to get into conditioning better as you will win or loose on this factor at shows. That is why string men normaly dont get on champion row unless they take thier best birds and condtion them and put them in good size show travel boxes. I had a two hole travel box and I had it on the front seat of the car and I could see my white rock bantam males could turn around inside the box. I like this factor so they wont damage their feathers as they are going to the shows. Got to make me about six of these boxes for next year. We talk on here about Heritage Poultry buy how many of you take your birds to a fair or show? Its a lot of work I spent three hours just geting them in the boxes and then taking them out of the boxes into the coops. I got to go back and put some stuff on their combs and legs to make them look better this am. Another thing those white birds are hard to keep clean. A buff or Red Chicken just dont show the staines and dirt like a white bird does. But a white rock or white leghorn in clean shape will beat a colored chicken on champion row.

Thank goodness the ducks take care of them selves. I could not get over how they have improved in three years. Their heads are getting thick and thier bills are super short and they can beat a chicken for high awards at a show if you have a judge who has a good eye.

Talked to Jermey tonight from Nebraska he just got back from the Plymouth Rock National and won best of varity on a barred rock pullet. Said he thought he would win with a cockerel but late that night befor he left he plucked a pullet out of a tree where she was roosting and she won best varitity. He said best Plymouth Rock was Halbach Poulty Farm from Wisconsin and they had best large fowl Rock on a White Male. They had one of the best displays of white rocks seen in years.

Best barred rock bantam he said was won by Butch Gunderson of Butches Birds from Wisconsin. That is great for him.

He told me he would have about 18 breeder females to supply eggs to you so he is the source to get this nice strain from. Kathy only has three females so we need to make sure she has enough eggs to reproduce her line for next year. I looked at a strain of good barred rock large fowl today. Saw the parents and saw the ckls and pullets. They are good but Jermies barreds and Kathys barreds have shaper white in the barring. These looked like they where white but stained or dirty


look how clean these females white are with the black thats the point I am trying to drive home to you about.

I will take pictures of them when I go back to the show Sat to pick up my birds..

I got res champion of the show on a call duck drake I was happy. Considering four weeks ago he was in a female molt. I found out I had a dream boat white rock bantam pullet that I did not even give the time of day to. She is so young it will be at least two months befor she lays her first egg. She got best of breed and champion SCCL. She beat out some white rocks that I gave a guy eight years ago. He has good ones but mine where smaller. He hatches to early and he does not weigh them.

So any way thats the up date on the National Meet and Jerimie and his Barred Rock Large fowl. bob
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