Battery Hen Rescue


12 Years
Jul 20, 2007
A local university is doing a study for a major egg company.
They have 1000 hens in a battery trying to see if they can get 2 eggs per day.
Different feeds and such.
Poor girls.

next door neighbor does maintenance for the university and is in good with some of the higher ups.
He talked them into letting him have the hens, instead of sending them to slaughter.
So far I have rescued 55 hens.
I'm getting 36 more on Wednesday.

They are ISA Browns (Comets)
Poor things. When I went to pick them up out of his run, there were eggs laying all in the run. They never have laid in a nest box.
They could hardly walk straight.

Now after 3 days of TLC and good feed (not that high protien mess they feed them in a battery!) and running around the run scratching and eating dirt and bugs, they are so stinking happy!

And lord these girls can lay. Took them 1 (one) day for the instincts to catch on and find the nest boxes (ground level).
That's awesome, and a wonderful thing for you to do!
I am amazed at how fast the instincts kicked in. So far I have found only one thing that they have not picked up as a whole. That is when I go out and throw some cracked corn on the ground, they just look at it. This afternoon I'm going to throw some in the leafpile that they are having so much fun with. I bet they will pick it out of there.

They are also beginning to roost on the low roost pole I put in for them. The combs have gotten 2 full days of sunshine now and are starting to turn a nicer shade of red, and stand up a little.
wow I wonder which company had to try and see if they could squeeze a second egg out of these poor birds. Did they ever get any of them to lay twice a day? I think what you are dong is great btw.
It is hard to even imagine what a difference you have made for these poor chicks. Thank you!!! What a wonderful, giving gesture and so appropriate for this time of year!! Photos would be so great if you have time.

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