Bay Area BYCers!

It is 4' x 3' plus the nest box area on the side. Plenty of space for 4 hens but mighty crowded with the banties in there too. I have it on a raised base just for storage. Including the base I think it's just over 6ft high. Run is not attached obviously and I will probably repurpose the run materials .Does have an auto door which my hubby programmed and we would include the door, mechanism and microcontroller but to use it you would need a computer to control it with and someone who knows how to do that kinda stuffs! We have an old netbook stuck in the ventilation area for that purpose and joke that our birds are the only ones in town with internet.

Can't get rid of the coop until I get rid of the birds obviously but if it is still here when that happens you may have it gratis if you are capable of hauling it away. I actually built it to be disassemblable but I have never tested that premise.

Looks nice! It might be a bit small for me since I am hoping to eventually have 6 hens, but I'll think it over. Wish I could take a couple of your hens but too busy right now.  Good luck!
Adult chickens are taken along with 4 of the banty chicks. I have a male/female pair of both White Ameraucana bantam and Mille Fleur D'Uccle bantam left. Great for anyone interested in breeding these! I have them on Craigslist for $25. If a BYCer buys them I will throw in all my remaining chicken accessories (two feeders, an auto waterer, partial bag of feed and whatever other doodads I can scare up) for FREE.
Super hoping somebody with space will take these babies off my hands before the roos start crowing. I know some of y'all want some cute little banties!
I want the d'uccles, but I don't have space for any more chickens, and can't have a rooster. :(

Good luck finding them homes!
Thanks. I'm having major chicken remorse since giving most of them away :( I might keep the two little girls. The boys can stay until they start crowing then they will have to be eliminated one way or another.
One of my Buff Orps has gone seriously broody on me. She only wants to sit on a nest and growl at me! This has been going on for about a week now. Is there anything I can do to discourage her or do I just wait for her to get frustrated and settle down?
One of my Buff Orps has gone seriously broody on me. She only wants to sit on a nest and growl at me! This has been going on for about a week now. Is there anything I can do to discourage her or do I just wait for her to get frustrated and settle down?
They can be really tenacious when they get broody. If you search here there are plenty of threads on breaking a broody but I always just gave mine some eggs to hatch. I figured it was nicer and it's fun to have the babies for a little while. If you want to do it on the cheap you can buy fertile eggs at Trader Joes!
Mine all broody now too. So annoying as she stops laying for WEEKS! You can break the Broody by isolating her in an airy cool well lit cage "broody breaker" or as my neighbor does it. She puts her hen in a plastic garbage can in the shade with air holes and water for 3 days. (seems harsh to me) but I've been booting mine out of the coop every day and shutting the door forcing her to roost and cool off in the light. Not working. She's still broody. And no eggs. Good luck!

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