Bay Area BYCers!

Sigh. I was afraid this would be the common opinion. He isn't really super-aggressive - my 4 y.o. daughter scares him and he runs away from her
- but I am starting to see a change from the snuggly chick that he was to a chicken that doesn't like to be handled as much anymore. We do bop him on the head a bit with a stern, "no pecking!" scolding when he tries pecking at anyone, and he does back down, but I can't see that being a long-term solution. I have been talking to my oldest daughter about doing away with him. She got mad at me at first, but I think she may be coming around to the idea now that he is not as willing to sit in her lap and let her pet him. All the same, I don't think I'll tell her where the chicken stew came from when the time comes.

Sorry. He is young now, and was thought to be a pullet, right? He will only become larger, with bigger spurs over time. Spurs have to be whirled off every once in a while because they can actually interfere with the rooster's ability to walk. An aggressive rooster will attack with their feet, using the spurs to do damage.

Unfortunately, a lot of aggressive roosters with spurs become known as "Spike" before someone gets tired of it, and renames them "Stew."

She'll figure it out if the rooster goes missing and chicken appears on the table soon after.

What happens if a younger child comes over with a visiting family? Are you sure to have child proof locked latches on the coop and run? I long ago discovered if I couldn't open my child proof medicine bottle, all I had to do was hand it to a friend's four year old who was delighted to show me how good she was at opening them. (My friend's other children have not shown that talent; but she still has both a serious locked cabinet in her kitchen and a locked shed for anything potentially toxic.
I am sure the answer is "no", but does anyone need a 5month old cockerel? I have a black Java and a white Wyandotte that I got from show lines in MN. I have other cockerels from that batch that I am keeping, so these need a new home or they go in the freezer. If anyone could use one, let me know.

I will also probably have a Silver Phoenix from that batch to go too. I just haven't decided which one to keep.
I'm keeping a Cream Legbar Rooster and I too made an anti crow collar out of velcro, The two inch velcro worked best for me. He's 9 months and it does muffle the crowing but he still does his best. I keep him and a pullet in the garage in a 4 by 6 pen at night and let him out between 10 and 6 during the day with the collar on. So far so good but it's still extra work. You need to correct him if he pecks at you or your daughter. My Legbar is not a aggressive to people and a gentleman with the pullets. There are a few threads on how to deal with aggressive roosters. If you need to rehome him Hosanna Boys' Ranch in Castro Valley that will take him. They just ask for you to donate a 50 pound bag of feed. Good luck
YAY! Someone from UC! I'm feeling home sick now.

Sorry. He is young now, and was thought to be a pullet, right? He will only become larger, with bigger spurs over time. Spurs have to be whirled off every once in a while because they can actually interfere with the rooster's ability to walk. An aggressive rooster will attack with their feet, using the spurs to do damage.

Unfortunately, a lot of aggressive roosters with spurs become known as "Spike" before someone gets tired of it, and renames them "Stew."

She'll figure it out if the rooster goes missing and chicken appears on the table soon after.

What happens if a younger child comes over with a visiting family? Are you sure to have child proof locked latches on the coop and run? I long ago discovered if I couldn't open my child proof medicine bottle, all I had to do was hand it to a friend's four year old who was delighted to show me how good she was at opening them. (My friend's other children have not shown that talent; but she still has both a serious locked cabinet in her kitchen and a locked shed for anything potentially toxic.
Gotta agree on an aggressive roo. I had to give up a beautiful Silver AM roo once that was great with me and my then 4/5 year old grand daughter, but would attack anyone else that stepped foot in the yard. Wasn't easy, but no way could I have even bred him because of that.
Sorry. He is young now, and was thought to be a pullet, right? He will only become larger, with bigger spurs over time.  Spurs have to be whirled off every once in a while because they can actually interfere with the rooster's ability to walk. An aggressive rooster will attack with their feet, using the spurs to do damage.

Unfortunately, a lot of aggressive roosters with spurs become known as "Spike" before someone gets tired of it, and renames them "Stew."

She'll figure it out if the rooster goes missing and chicken appears on the table soon after.

What happens if a younger child comes over with a visiting family? Are you sure to have child proof locked latches on the coop and run? I long ago discovered if I couldn't open my child proof medicine bottle, all I had to do was hand it to a friend's four year old who was delighted to show me how good she was at opening them. (My friend's other children have not shown that talent; but she still has both a serious locked cabinet in her kitchen and a locked shed for anything potentially toxic.

We've not had any child younger than 6 visit since the roo started crowing. All latches are well out of reach of a normal-sized toddler, and all latches are also closed with locking carabiners at all times except when someone is in the run or coop. The doors to the run and coop are actually a bit tough to open (my 4 y.o. daughter can't open them by herself). I guess it's a good thing I wasn't able to make the doors fit so well, eh? :p

I have now resigned myself to sacrificing the roo. I have to do it this coming week since he's almost at the 4 month old limit Santa Clara has for roosters. Thanks, everyone for your input. It was eye-opening and has convinced me that I should just stick to hens for now. My DH will be relieved. He really didn't want a rooster around. Territorial perhaps? ;) lol!
Any idea what's up with teeny tiny eggs? We've had 3 in the space of a week. I cracked one open today, it had a very hard shell, and the yolk wasn't properly formed - not yellow, just glutinous. Is this something I need to worry about?
I just Found out that Saba live Poultry in East Oakland will cull and butcher birds for $5 each! Does anyone have experience taking their own stock there? I'm planning on going monday unless someone can give me a compelling reason not to.
Any idea what's up with teeny tiny eggs? We've had 3 in the space of a week. I cracked one open today, it had a very hard shell, and the yolk wasn't properly formed - not yellow, just glutinous. Is this something I need to worry about?
These are called "fairy eggs" or "pullet eggs" often the first eggs a chicken lays are like this, but sometimes hormonal fluctuations will have chickens lay these intermittently as well. Theres nothing wrong with your girls, just some hormone shifts. It's normal.
I just Found out that Saba live Poultry in East Oakland will cull and butcher birds for $5 each! Does anyone have experience taking their own stock there? I'm planning on going monday unless someone can give me a compelling reason not to.

I went today and was thrilled with the service! Not only was it quick, clean, and respectful to the birds, but their employees were also happy to have me come into the abattoir while my birds were done and let me keep everything but the feathers which go straight into a disposal. They just want you to call ahead if you are bringing in your own birds. I highly recommend them!
We just bought a house and are looking to downsize. We have a breeding coop / pen set up that we would love to donate to a school, 4h or non profit. Must be gone in next 30 days. You must pick up, disassemble and haul away. We would love a tax donation form if possible

. See photos and contact me if you are interested in this as a donation.

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