Bay Area BYCers!

Dawn, I just ordered the exact same thing...

Enablers unite!

ETA: Actually, I didn't buy the one with the candler, as Orp eggs are pretty easy to candle with a regular flashlight.
This one was the least expensive new version that I found on Amazon, even with the candler & shipping, which I don't really need. My mom gave me a drill for Christmas, but my hubby gave me one, too, I so had credits to use on Amazon! Thanks, Mom!
Hi Laurie! You asked: Great pic! Can you print it and enter it in the fair? I never thought of that! Maybe, and interesting idea...! Thanks!

Jeremy: What will you use as a liner in the 1588 that can be tossed? That seems like a great idea!
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Hi Dawn,
I'm finally back to BYC. Been busy with goats, and learning about beekeeping! The peaches are already blooming here. Must get bees soon!
I've decided I really want some Pita Pintas.
Bee fever and chicken fever!
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Laurie, what is the barley fodder you have in your tag line area? Do you use this as supplemental feed, or treats?

I too have sprouted grains for my chickens. I tried several & set up an inexpensive system of my own with supplies from Tractor Supply & the $ store. I was able to sprout 9 trays at a time so it was used like a weekly additive but they absolutely loved it & cleaned every bit of it up. It was fun watching them go after it too.

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