Bay Area BYCers!

I think we're all hanging out at the Bay Area Chickenstock thread for the time being
Cool Jeremy. I been thinking about those, so much potential.

This weather is like its suddenly summer. The tomatos all are getting ripe from the heat and making the chickens very happy. No ketchup flavored eggs yet.
I can't stand how the weather keeps going back and forth! I came home today and all the birds were panting like crazy, poor things.

My tomatoes are gone... the chickens finished off all the fruit a couple weeks back and because of the low temperatures at night the plants are starting to die back.

However my citrus trees are thriving right now! All of the cool spells make them set new flowers, so almost all of the trees are loaded with fruit, all at different stages of development. I'm going to be collecting citrus for months!
Hey all you local folks - now that I have actually met some of you guys face-to-face, I'm going to start bugging you with questions...

I'm pretty sure one of my birds has mites - my Leghorn looks like the feathers on her face and some of her back are stained, and she has, shall we say, a personal hygiene issue on her fuzzy little scrawny butt. I've been reading all my chicken sources and consulting the BYC oracle for a clue on how to proceed, but it's just not clear what to do. Do any of you guys use that Poultry Protector stuff (I was thinking it'd be a great way to use my $50 door prize gift certificate..!)? Does pet shampoo work? Should I go straight to the Sevin and dust all the birds?

Just when I was starting to feel like I was getting a handle on this chicken-keeping thing.....

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