Bay Area BYCers!

I like the way you think Debi!!!

Yes, I'm thinking Heirloom Expo in Sept., Fall Bay Area get together in Oct/early Nov., Stockton poultry show in Jan., and Spring Bay Area get together in April plus whatever other chicken functions I can fit in! But I'm not addicted at all to all things chicken!!!
I like the way you think Debi!!!

Yes, I'm thinking Heirloom Expo in Sept., Fall Bay Area get together in Oct/early Nov., Stockton poultry show in Jan., and Spring Bay Area get together in April plus whatever other chicken functions I can fit in! But I'm not addicted at all to all things chicken!!!

No more than the rest of us.....
The sale sounds pretty interesting. Any estimate on how long it would take for me to get there? I live near Cheryl, in Orinda (which used to be located just on the other side of the tunnel from Oakland but which appears to have undergone a geographic transformation and is now located in the "outer" east bay...)
And I (or is it "I'all"?) wouldn't have it any other way. Normal is boring!

I was talking about distance...
Gosh, I keep trying to catch up, but you all make it difficult. It has been a while since I have been able to get on here. I'm pretty busy wih the farm and babysitting a new grandson.
He and I did attend the Heirloom Expo. I may have met and talked with some of you. I sure saw all the lovely birds. I fell in love with the blue Araucanas! And I want runner ducks! LOL I need mre critters lik I need another .... well you guys get the drift!

I will try and stay in touch a bit more, but you all post so much, I have a hard time keeping up!
The sale sounds pretty interesting. Any estimate on how long it would take for me to get there? I live near Cheryl, in Orinda (which used to be located just on the other side of the tunnel from Oakland but which appears to have undergone a geographic transformation and is now located in the "outer" east bay...)

Well, I think it takes me about 2 hours to Cheryl house & Modesto would probably shave another 20 minutes or so off for you since I live in Turlock & Modesto is north of me by at least that much.
Hope that helps.
Mapquest will give you an approx travel time too if you want to try that on line.
The sale sounds pretty interesting. Any estimate on how long it would take for me to get there? I live near Cheryl, in Orinda (which used to be located just on the other side of the tunnel from Oakland but which appears to have undergone a geographic transformation and is now located in the "outer" east bay...)

Well, I think it takes me about 2 hours to Cheryl house & Modesto would probably shave another 20 minutes or so off for you since I live in Turlock & Modesto is north of me by at least that much.
Hope that helps.
Mapquest will give you an approx travel time too if you want to try that on line.

This is about what I was going to estimate.

If you take highway 4 and go through Bryon it's the fatsest way through. Takes me 45 minutes to an hour to get to Brentwood from Modesto and JS West is about 7 minutes from my house, if that helps.
They are both about the same distance for me drive wise...I kinda like the zoo idea. I haven't been there in a long time! We can always have next year's event at the Sienna Ranch.

Me, too, ZOO! NOV 5th!

Lookee my new Maine Coon kitty! Feline Rescue of Northern California! year old, 16 pounds and growing, Indiana Jones:"Indy" for short!




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