Bay Area BYCers!

Sort of. I did get one to hatch yesterday and some eggs I shipped hatch one or 2. I'd just like to add some size here. Oh and Ziggy is one of two that if I'm out and he is out, he will follow me and crow thw whole time. Otherwise, he's more interested in if he's getting a treat that day. I don't give them many treats, so I don't take away from the nutrients in their food, but I do get good hatches from my mixed flock owe seem to get a lot more treats than the other birds.

What about Ziggy? Isn't he doing his job?

Re: feather quality of Rocks. Read pg 41 APA SOP second paragraph under economic qualities. Note width of feather in the male SPR's you are getting.....great width of can see it in the tail feathers.

Great thanks that's what we were talking about... I will read it tonight thx
Kim maybe you need some of my eggs. I'm hatching 50 at least every other week. Fertility is nuts in that pen

But first we need to get your incubator situation worked on! :)
Kim maybe you need some of my eggs. I'm hatching 50 at least every other week. Fertility is nuts in that pen

But first we need to get your incubator situation worked on! :)
Sorry to butt in, but I'm looking for about 20+ fertile eggs for my daughters kindergarten class @ an elementary school in Berkeley. The teacher has done this successfully in years past but the farmer who supplied her has retired from chicken rearing. They don't care what kind of chickens they hatch but they want to ensure fertility so the kids won't be disappointed and the lesson will go well and they also want them specifically ON May 2nd to begin incubating May 3rd. I have a flock of about 9 hens but I gave away my bantam rooster so I can't provide them w/ eggs. Can you or anybody out there in the East-Bay or SF who can help me out? I can pay any reasonable price and or return the hatched chicks (although I was hoping to keep a few for myself and I'm sure I could find homes for the others) so cool breeds would be especially enticing. I'd post this on the Buy/sell/trade forum but I don't have enough posts on here yet! (I was able to buy and sell birds before the new website was launched!:) Thanks!
Re: feather quality of Rocks. Read pg 41 APA SOP second paragraph under economic qualities. Note width of feather in the male SPR's you are getting.....great width of can see it in the tail feathers.


Hi, Walt! Haven't chatted w/you in awhile; hope you are well!

Feather quality is something that seemingly many breeders are talking about of late; my Jersey Giant mentor and I have had numerous conversations about it in the last year, and at Crossroads last fall, she showed me examples right on some of the Giants that were exhibited. Some of this stuff is so difficult to write about, you must see it firsthand. The thing that interested me the most was the bird with the best INDIVIDUAL feather quality also had a nicer overall appearance. It's such a good feeling when the pieces of information actually start pulling together!
I have a broody circus going on -

I have a D'anver mama on our front porch in a brooder crate.
I have had a silkie X Easter egger sitting on 7 eggs since we got back from vacation, the last few days one of our BLRW has moved in and has decided she is going to help, much to the lil one's dismay. Yesterday my favorite nosy Buff Orpington went broody insane, you can not even look at the coop without her screaming bloody murder she and trying to take a finger off. She has gathered up all my wooden eggs....not the smartest girl :) On top of that my bantam Cochins have both decided they are going to try to hoard my eggs and be broody too.
This weekend I am hoping for some sunshine so that I can do some rearranging of fence lines. I have a plan I really do! Someone please convince my husband of this! I am going to do my best to break the buff with dunking and broody jail in breezy cage. Going to give the Cochins some of their eggs (fingers crossed for more frizzles) and separate them into their own X-tra large dog crate and small pen. Going to move silkie to her own crate and pen as well, so big fat BLRW will leave her alone......and am hoping I can come up with some eggs for the BLRW.

Now that I think about it we better have more than a couple days of sun I will be doing this in between a softball game Saturday afternoon and another one Sunday morning and selling honey at the the flea market my daughters school tomorrow is doing tomorrow morning....aaaaaaah :) I better get more chickens they calm my nerves!

I need to explore other options for a place to keep my breeders as my contract with Sienna Ranch may be coming to a close.

I am able to pay for land that I can rent or lease. I need about 700 square feet (of course more is always better LOL) and there must be easy access to water.

Ideally someplace close to lafayette/walnut creek area, but I'm also open to other ideas.

I'm also considering a partnership with someone that lives a bit more remotely.

PM if you have any creative ideas! Please ask everyone you know. It's funny how these things happen, you never know where you can find the

greatest ideas!! Thanks everyone.... I'm excited about the next adventure!
I wonder how many people who dont have city's ok to have chickens, but have neighbors ok to have chickens still go ahead and get chickens?

most of them.

eta - ...especially if you share the eggs.
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