BBS English Orpington Splash Rooster Quality Question

I have 2 Splash and 1 Blue English (and 3 Black Laced Silver) English Orpington hens. ALL being covered by a Black Laced Silver Rooster. The Chicks from the Splash and Blue hens are all "Blue" and indistinguishable. I have been selling all my chicks and some hatching eggs. There is a HUGE demand in my customers for Splash chicks. I have the opportunity to buy the pictured 1year old Splash rooster from the same breeder I got the rest of the flock from so that I could provide Blue and Splash chicks without being muddled by the BLS genes. My concern is the brownish color of his hackles and saddle. Is this normal for Splash Orpington Roosters? If anyone can provide pictures of their Splash Orpington Roo for comparison, I would be grateful. Or just any comments on this dude and how he would do as a baby daddy for my BBS hens. I do understand the BBS genetics and also understand I haven't done the breed any favors by covering my BBS hens with a BLS roo. Just trying to fix the problem. First pic is the available roo and the second is my current flock of Orps. My profile Pic is one of my Splash hens.
His coloring looks like my splash cochin, so I think it all looks okay. Colt is much better when it comes to orpington body type though.
Don't you get some sort of "semi-lacing" (per the Chicken Calc) if only one parent is laced?
I do on my sexlinks for the females, but mine are mixed breeds, so it's very possible other genes are at play to make mine look that way
Lacy (in front) has been sitting on 21 eggs for nearly 3 weeks now and a few days ago Ring moved in to steal part of the soon to be baby glory at the grand finale. Toto (the third BLS) and Mini (the smaller Splash) still lay their eggs in there every day and I have to fish them out.
Good lord!!! She is taking broody to the next level! ❤️

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