BCM x Red Sex Link Cross


8 Years
May 30, 2011
Back in December 11 I posted photo's of some chicks from this cross. About a month ago they started laying. I am really satisfied with the egg I'm getting.

Egg on left is from the cross; middle is Delaware; right is the red sex link egg from a hen used in the cross.
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Nice looking eggs. Since you have Red Sex Link chickens, maybe you can tell me if you have ever heard of a Red Sex Link pullet that turns out to be a rooster. LaVerne & Shirley (Red Sex Link Pullets), along with Thelma (Light Brahma) and Louise (Gold Laced Wyandotte) are now 13 weeks old. I have suspected for some time that LaVerne was a rooster but figured that was impossible since that's one of the advantages of sex link purchases - you always know what you are getting.

Well, this morning LaVerne started crowing! Dang it, I knew it. Looks like a rooster, acts like a rooster and now it's crowing. Plus it's 1/3 larger than any of the others. I called the man I purchased them from and he said he had never heard of such a thing and figured I got a Rhode Island Red by mistake. Nope! Same color as the pullet, Shirley, sorta a golden buff color.

Has anyone else had this experience?
Nice looking eggs. Since you have Red Sex Link chickens, maybe you can tell me if you have ever heard of a Red Sex Link pullet that turns out to be a rooster. LaVerne & Shirley (Red Sex Link Pullets), along with Thelma (Light Brahma) and Louise (Gold Laced Wyandotte) are now 13 weeks old. I have suspected for some time that LaVerne was a rooster but figured that was impossible since that's one of the advantages of sex link purchases - you always know what you are getting.

Well, this morning LaVerne started crowing! Dang it, I knew it. Looks like a rooster, acts like a rooster and now it's crowing. Plus it's 1/3 larger than any of the others. I called the man I purchased them from and he said he had never heard of such a thing and figured I got a Rhode Island Red by mistake. Nope! Same color as the pullet, Shirley, sorta a golden buff color.

Has anyone else had this experience?
Haha! One of our very first chickens was a Red Sex Link. Her waddles got real big and she grew a sickle feather then started to crow! After a few months passed by, her waddles shrunk, she no longer crowed and started to submit. She’s 8 years old and has never once laid an egg and she has the largest spurs I’ve ever seen!

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