Beating the Heat?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 9, 2007
Hi all,
It is the hottest it's been since the arrival of our 8 little ones 6 weeks ago. They always have a shaded place in the run but it's still awfully hot out there. And the chicklets are panting. I read somewhere that someone put up a mister for their hens. Has anyone else tried this? A woman I met told me that all her hens had expired due to the heat. Ackk!!! A fan seems like it would just blow hot air around. What do you all do to combat the heat?
Make sure they have access to cool, clean water at all times. I have been taking my small 1 gal waterer inside every night and putting it in the freezer. In the morning I put it outside in the run and the water stays cold all day. In fact, some days it will still have a chunk of ice in it at the end of the day. This has really helped keep my hens cool.

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