Beautiful twin white Cochins

The RIR has been mating for a few weeks now. In the beginning we didnt know what was going on and one time we thought he was killing one of the buff orpingtons. So we intervened and she had blood on her face and comb and she looked like she had a black eye. And whenever he went near them they would scream and try to get away. But over the past few weeks it's been getting better. Now I see them lowering down when he comes over. And it's over just as fast as it started with no issues. But that's not every time yet! Just this past Saturday we got our first egg from one of the leghorns. She is the only one laying as of today. And yesterday was the first time i saw one of the white Cochins crow and then mate and one more time this morning. Should the RIR only be mating with hens that lay? And could one rooster over mate 7 hens?
It really depends on the rooster. Most people will tell you 10 or more pullets/hens per cockerel/rooster. The Cochins would be less rough on the girls than the RIR because they are slower than the RIR, so one Cochin would probably be fine with your 7 girls.
I agree, keep one of the Cochin with you hens. I have a cochin roo and I love him but still I love all Roosters. Can't get enough of them.
Another option, if you just want to keep them for pets is to make a "bachelor pen" I have all but 4 of my roosters/cockerels (with which is about 20 of them) in a cockerel pen. It saves the girls a LOT of harassment. With my main flock, I only have my Black Cochin who is my Avatar. I have two other roosters in breeding pens and the 4th is a bantam mix who is the SMALLEST guy I have (he is 5 months and weighs less than a pound) and he is with the bantam mix pullets and a bunch of babies.
Is the small guy a semera?
No, he's a Bantam Cochin/Chocolate Orp cross. He was smaller than most of the pullets for a long time. He recently had a growth spurt and is now the same size as the smaller pullets of the same mix. Funny enough, the next smallest Cockerel from that hatch is actually the Beta cockerel in the bachelor pen. The Alpha is my New Hampshire Rooster who is 1.5 years old, and this little ball of fluff bosses everyone else around.
If you are not hatching eggs, and have small children who want the chickens as pets, why keep any rooster. It likely is just not worth the risk.

At the very least, get rid of the RIR. They are known to be more aggressive as roosters. Cochins are known to be gentler even as roosters.

1 rooster for 9 hens is very adequate. Your RIR should be kept from the hens. He should not be forcing nonlaying hens to mate. His hormones are running wild. Blood drawn is not acceptable.

If you really, really want a rooster around your place, pick the sweetest Cochin and rehome the other 2. Watch that Cochin to be sure he is not taking over now that the others have left in a way that is overly aggressive.

Roosters can do a lot of damage to small children very quickly. Their faces are close to the ground and can receive injury to the eyes from the rooster spurring and clawing. It is simply not worth keeping roosters unless you want the responsibility of training and supervising both kids and roo.

My thoughts.
If you are not hatching eggs, and have small children who want the chickens as pets, why keep any rooster. It likely is just not worth the risk.

At the very least, get rid of the RIR. They are known to be more aggressive as roosters. Cochins are known to be gentler even as roosters.

1 rooster for 9 hens is very adequate. Your RIR should be kept from the hens. He should not be forcing nonlaying hens to mate. His hormones are running wild. Blood drawn is not acceptable.

If you really, really want a rooster around your place, pick the sweetest Cochin and rehome the other 2. Watch that Cochin to be sure he is not taking over now that the others have left in a way that is overly aggressive.

Roosters can do a lot of damage to small children very quickly. Their faces are close to the ground and can receive injury to the eyes from the rooster spurring and clawing. It is simply not worth keeping roosters unless you want the responsibility of training and supervising both kids and roo.

My thoughts.
Thank you for your help! We never wanted any Roosters. And now we have 3. We are so sad about this! The RIR was Injured at a week old and i held him all the time. We was my baby and then he started to look different. I don't want to get rid of any of them. But it sounds like the boys should go and if that's what I should do to keep all my girls safe then that what I will do!
Ok so one of my questions and concerns is the roosters should only be mating with laying hens? Because I asked this question before and the response I got was he's young he can be a little rough but he should calm down, it nature, he is doing his job and so on. First and for most I want to keep my girls safe and if he shouldn't be mating with them then I have a huge problem with that and the boys will go today! I only have 1 hen that is laying and she just started a few days ago. When he mates with them it's very violent and upsets use. But being new and told its natural we just turn our backs and cover our kids eyes. It just didn't look right to me!
Cockerels really need an older rooster or hens to keep them in line and teach them manners. Since you have neither they will most likely reek havoc. It's kind of like leaving teenagers unsupervised. Your life, your kids, and your pullets lives will be much less stressful if you rehome all of these cockerels or make them a grow-out pen. After all your pullets are older and laying then see about getting a rooster (if you want to) or putting one of yours back with then. Don't get me wrong, I love the dynamic our rooster brings to the flock. He is older though, at least 18 months, and even if he wasn't well mannered my Production Reds would keep him in line.

Ok so one of my questions and concerns is the roosters should only be mating with laying hens? Because I asked this question before and the response I got was he's young he can be a little rough but he should calm down, it nature, he is doing his job and so on. First and for most I want to keep my girls safe and if he shouldn't be mating with them then I have a huge problem with that and the boys will go today! I only have 1 hen that is laying and she just started a few days ago. When he mates with them it's very violent and upsets use. But being new and told its natural we just turn our backs and cover our kids eyes. It just didn't look right to me!
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