Because I sooo need a pigeon...

Yes do get him a friend! Pigeons are very very social and need to be with other pigeons...

Do you know where I should start looking?
Because the pigeon people around me heard the words unbanded and told me it was wild leave it alone. I tried explaining that it lands on me, eats from my hand and loves attention they told me to drive away further from my house and leave him with a flock of other pigeons under a bridge...
I didn't really get very far :/ with them...
He is a wild one for sure! However Pigeons imprint on people so very well that at a certain point they really can't be released. This guy CAN'T someone out there hand raised him and now he thinks people are pigeons. Someone thought they could release him and instead of ending up with other pigeons he ended up with you! So I would just look for a person who raises them in your area and just get any old hen...doesn't matter what breed...Just to keep him company when you are not around. I've done hand raising for years and have ended up with many "wild pigeons" from the local wild life rehab that could not be released because they were too imprinted on people. Doesn't matter much if he is wild...just dust the little butt and worm him and he should be good to go :) (if you haven't already)
He is a wild one for sure! However Pigeons imprint on people so very well that at a certain point they really can't be released. This guy CAN'T someone out there hand raised him and now he thinks people are pigeons. Someone thought they could release him and instead of ending up with other pigeons he ended up with you! So I would just look for a person who raises them in your area and just get any old hen...doesn't matter what breed...Just to keep him company when you are not around. I've done hand raising for years and have ended up with many "wild pigeons" from the local wild life rehab that could not be released because they were too imprinted on people. Doesn't matter much if he is wild...just dust the little butt and worm him and he should be good to go :) (if you haven't already)

Yup, hes been de-wormed and treated and I am very glad to hear you verify what I was already sure about. I was begining to worry that i was just nuts and he was acting like a normal pigeon.
But, as for a companion, do you know where I should start my search for a hen since everyone around me is unwilling to help?
is there like a pigeon add list somewhere?
I would very much love to help you and if you lived in Indiana I could give you a hen or give you some of my contacts. However since you are in Massachusetts, I would have to ship you a bird...which I have done before but do not like to do...And the shipping would be like $30 at least which would be a bit silly. Their are websites that sell pigeons and I know foy's ships pigeons as well. I would maybe try the locals again just say that you are wanting to buy a hen and are now looking to get into pigeons....I would also contact your local animal shelter and wildlife rehab. Sometimes they are looking to place pigeons!! I have come across many this way..Best of luck and please let me know if I can do anything else.
I would very much love to help you and if you lived in Indiana I could give you a hen or give you some of my contacts. However since you are in Massachusetts, I would have to ship you a bird...which I have done before but do not like to do...And the shipping would be like $30 at least which would be a bit silly. Their are websites that sell pigeons and I know foy's ships pigeons as well. I would maybe try the locals again just say that you are wanting to buy a hen and are now looking to get into pigeons....I would also contact your local animal shelter and wildlife rehab. Sometimes they are looking to place pigeons!! I have come across many this way..Best of luck and please let me know if I can do anything else.

Those are excellent places for me to start! Thank you very much for your help! I will let you know if it goes anywhere :D
I have been googling pigeons all day and I never would have found that site without your pointing it out, seriously!
I will let you know when i find a friend for him :) And i'll add pictures!
If you are going to order one off line just let me know I could give you a hen for free...I have some sweet little owl/roller crosses that I would be willing to part with as long as I know they are going to a good home. All you would have to do is pay for shipping. However I hope you can find something local!!
If you are going to order one off line just let me know I could give you a hen for free...I have some sweet little owl/roller crosses that I would be willing to part with as long as I know they are going to a good home. All you would have to do is pay for shipping. However I hope you can find something local!!

Oh wow thank you! I will try talking to the people near me one more time and see if they are willing to help me at all, and if not i'll let you know because honestly I think online was going to be my only option. Last time when i talked to the local people I did ask about a mate,and there response was pretty much the same. Just let the guy not what I intend to do...So!
I will try again, and i'll let you know if it goes anywhere :D
I am looking into purchasing an actual pigeon coop for him and his friend rather then the rabbit hutch so he can fly around more!

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