Bedding suggestions? I am allergic to pine shavings apparently


Feb 10, 2015
Varysburg, NY
So I have 15 awesome little chicks that are one week old. I have had them on a layer of sweet pdz with paper towel over it until the chicks got a little older. Yesterday morning I decided they are old enough to know where their food is and be fine on regular bedding. So I took out the paper towels out and put a nice layer of pine shavings in over the sweet pdz. The chicks absolutely love it they scratch around in it all day now. Problem is about an hour after I put it in their brooder my hand turned bright red and burned like fire. So now I have to change their bedding to some thing else. I have very sensitive skin so this stinks. Now when I hold the chicks my hands start burning again because they have been in the pine shavings so they must have dust from it on them or something. I don't mind wear gloves to put the bedding in but I am not gonna wear gloves to play with my little girls. So I need a new plan. My chicks don't smell at all so i really liked that but whats a good alternative to pine shavings? Straw?

Straw has openings so mites ETC can nest in them,plus,the chicks could possibly swallow a pine shaving,which would stink.I would defintly stick with hay.My hens have never had a problem with it.It also seems it last much longer then starw.
I high doubt it will block their air ways. They are on it now and I love it and from what I have read most people have pine shavings in their brooders. so I don't really want to debate the dangers of pine bedding. because i'm sure I can look up the cons of hay and find all kinds of information as well. I was just looking for an alternative that will perform as well. Also there are multiple kinds of pine shavings the large ones are not dangerous the fine shavings are an consumable size that's why I am using the large size. But Thank you again for you opinion.

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