Bees and chickens?

Hi I really could not for the life of me find the right section for this - but anyways I was wondering if you can keep bees with chickens? So that's my question, thank you in advance


Your question doesn't specify if keeping them together means in the same yard or in the same cage. [?]

I would not keep them in the same cage as the chickens will likely be stung to death for harassing the bees. Not all chooks or bees are smart enough to leave well enough alone. However having them in the same yard will most likely be ok as long as the bees aren't going to be within the chooks' reach. It's also a concern if the only readily accessible source of water is the chooks'.

Best wishes.
There is a bee thread in the Other Pets and Livestock section :)

My beehive is right beside my chickens run. They fly out of the hive and into the run on their way to do what bees do. They also use the chickens drinker as their water source and I occasionally will find some of them in the chickens feeder. The chickens don't bother them :)

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