Beginning stage of coccidiosis??

I'm in the same boat except I had a confirmed diagnosis of coccidiosis thru a vet friend that stopped by. I've lost 2 hens already so treatment will commence tomorrow. I'm treating everyone of my poultry flocks, chickens and quail.
I’m so sorry for your loss… I hope the treatment goes well for all of your poultry flocks!
Ooh yes, currently there are 5 hens and 16 pullets. I’m not sure on the exact measurements, but the coop itself could probably fit another 10 hens in there with the everybody still being able to move around. The run is also large enough that everybody can have their space, we are planning to expand it next spring though. The run is open 24/7 through our small door so they are never constricted to one space. I closed the pullets off into the run and locked the hens into the coop for about an hour to let the pullets eat and drink by themselves. They loved it! So I’m thinking it’s a matter of the pecking order and the smaller of the bunch are just losing weight. My plan is to set out more food bowls. I will attach some droppings that are from the pullets as well. I think they’re all normal. Thank you all for your help! Oh and also, the bloody poop was the first I have seen, but I’ve read that that happens sometimes, but I’ll attach it just in case.
Sounds like a plan!

The poop looks fairly o.k., the red is intestinal shedding, but if you keep noticing it, then give them all a round of Corid (pullets and adults). It won't hurt them.

Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

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